
Aage Wiltrup

(1916 – 2003)

Title Year Function Category
Bedside romance 1973 Cinematography DK/Feature
Bedside highway 1972 Cinematography DK/Feature
The Daughter - I, a Woman III 1970 Camera assistant DK/Feature
Without a stitch 1968 Cinematography DK/Feature
Wife on Vacation 1967 Cinematography DK/Feature
Old maids 1966 Cinematography DK/Feature
Virtue runs wild 1966 Cinematography DK/Feature
The loose tile 1966 Cinematography DK/Feature
Flagermusen 1966 2nd cinematographer DK/Feature
Een pige og 39 sømænd 1965 Cinematography DK/Feature
Passer passer piger 1965 Cinematography DK/Feature
Five men and Rosa 1964 Cinematography DK/Feature
Peters landlov 1963 Appearance, Cinematography DK/Feature
Støv for alle pengene 1963 Cinematography DK/Feature
Det støver stadig 1962 Cinematography DK/Feature
The Musketeers 1961 Cinematography DK/Feature
Støv på hjernen 1961 Cinematography DK/Feature
Reptilicus 1961 Cinematography DK/Feature
Journey to the Seventh Planet 1961 Cinematographer Feature
Kvindelist og kærlighed 1960 Cinematography DK/Feature
Elefanter på loftet 1960 Cinematography DK/Feature
Soldaterkammerater på vagt 1960 Cinematography DK/Feature
Onkel Bill fra New York 1959 Cinematography DK/Feature
Soldaterkammerater rykker ud 1959 Cinematography DK/Feature
Vi er allesammen tossede 1959 Cinematography DK/Feature
Erik Scavenius 1959 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Mariannes bryllup 1958 Cinematography DK/Feature
Lyssky transport 1958 Cinematography DK/Feature
Tag til marked i Fjordby 1957 Cinematography DK/Feature
Det var på Rundetårn 1955 Cinematography DK/Feature
Der kom en dag 1955 Cinematography DK/Feature
Hvorfor stjæler barnet? 1955 Cinematography DK/Documentary
The Tove Andersen criminal case 1953 Direction DK/Feature
Unge piger forsvinder i København 1951 Direction DK/Feature
Lyntoget 1951 Direction DK/Feature
Up and down along the shore 1950 Cinematography, Editing DK/Feature
Children and fire 1950 Cinematography DK/Documentary
John og Irene 1949 Cinematography DK/Feature
Det hændte i København 1949 Cinematography, Editing DK/Feature
I de lyse Nætter 1948 Cinematography DK/Feature
While the gate was closed 1948 Cinematography DK/Feature
Sikken en Nat 1947 Cinematography DK/Feature
Soldaten og Jenny 1947 Cinematography DK/Feature
Oktober-Roser 1946 Cinematography DK/Feature
Bring on little Martha 1946 Cinematography DK/Feature
The fishermen from Thyborøn and their voyage to Copenhagen 1946 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Silkeborgs's 100 years anniversary 1946 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Bente gaar til Sygeplejen 1945 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Lev Livet let 1944 Cinematography DK/Feature
Two people in love 1944 Cinematography DK/Feature
Sparrows Under the Roof 1944 Cinematography DK/Feature
Kriminalassistent Bloch 1943 Cinematography DK/Feature
Jørgensen Gets a Job 1942 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Dansk Film Revy 1941-1942 1942 Cinematographer Non-fiction footage
Among the sounds of South Funen 1941 Cinematography DK/Documentary
A journey in East Greenland with Leo Hansen 1936 Co-organizer DK/Documentary