
Betzy Kofoed

(1855 – 1923)

Title Year Function Category
Han er Mormon 1922 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Peacemaker 1921 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Amatørdetektiven 1921 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Roses and Rendezvous 1921 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Ungkarleliv 1921 Appearance DK/Feature
Our mutual friend I-II 1921 Appearance DK/Feature
De Nygifte 1920 Fru Mumms DK/Short fiction
Love and Superstition 1920 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A romance of riches 1920 Appearance DK/Feature
Livsforsikringsagenten 1919 Basses stramme viv DK/Short fiction
Football Calamities 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Et nydeligt Trekløver 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
De tossede Mandfolk 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
En kriminel Historie 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Med og uden Kone 1919 Fru Bistrup, Peters svigermor DK/Short fiction
Har været med et Brev i Postkassen 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Hot on the Trail 1919 Nicoline Dollerup, Basses tante DK/Short fiction
Mælkemandens Hest 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
En forfløjen Ægtemand 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Master Hypnotist 1919 Kaptajnen Bims' kone DK/Short fiction
Den Sømand han maa lide 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Fugleskræmslet 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Godsejeren 1919 Appearance DK/Feature
Hendes Helt 1919 Appearance DK/Feature
The Henpecked Husband’s Birthday 1918 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Det spøger i Villaen 1918 Enkefru Tulleberg, Knopps søster DK/Short fiction
His Phony Son 1918 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Ned med Kærligheden 1918 Aurora, Jakobs søster DK/Short fiction
Kærlighedsspekulanten 1918 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Da Tøffelhelten generalstrejkede 1918 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Pigen fra Klubben 1918 Appearance DK/Feature
Naar Ungdommen raser 1918 Appearance DK/Feature
En Kunstners Kærlighed 1918 Appearance DK/Feature
The day of reckoning 1917 Kruses hustru DK/Feature
A Lively Boarding-House 1917 Frk. Trillesen, pensionatsværtinde DK/Short fiction
The filmjournal Denmark 4-5-6-14-15 1917 Appearance Non-fiction footage
En tro og villig Pige 1917 Fru Nokkemann DK/Short fiction
Tropernes Datter 1917 Jesabel, en mulatkvinde DK/Feature
Children of the West 1917 Narrova, "Den store ørn"s søster DK/Feature
My Sister-in-law from America 1917 Tommys amerikanske kone DK/Short fiction
Forbryderkongens Datter 1917 Appearance DK/Feature
Askepot 1917 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The telephone girl 1917 Appearance DK/Feature
Et fremmeligt Barn 1917 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A doggie story 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Confetti 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A Lively Dream 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The spectre of the deep 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Selskabsdamen 1916 Fru Rivers, kvindelig detektiv DK/Feature
Trolden i Æsken 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Malkepigekomtessen 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Her Guardian 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
En landlig Uskyldighed 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Nobody's Daughter 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Love in a Pantechnicon 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The lost bride 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
500 Kroner inden Lørdag 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
The call for a child 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
The Master Physician 1915 Sara, Margaret og Vincents tante DK/Feature
Zigøjnerblod 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
Tyvepak 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Carl Alstrup’s Love, ltd. 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
A double event 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The adventures of the millionaire's son 1914 Mutter Duff, marskandiser og hælerske DK/Feature
Alone at Last 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
The Golden Calf 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
The Woman with the Red Hair 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
For the Sake of a Man 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
Axel Breidahl som Hypnotisør 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Elskovs Opfindsomhed 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Convict 337 1913 Baronesse von Silberstein DK/Short fiction
The Birthday Gift 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Ghost of the White Lady 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
A Dash for Liberty 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
In the Bonds of Passion 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Tom, the hero 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
His Highness, The Prince 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
The secret of the bureau 1913 Appearance DK/Feature