
Clara Schønfeld

(1856 – 1939)

Title Year Function Category
The People of the Borderland 1927 Ane, Steffensens hustru DK/Feature
The heir 1925 Bertha von Thorlacius DK/Feature
Master of the House 1925 Alvilda Kryger, Idas mor DK/Feature
Sunshine Valley 1925 Mo'r Aase DK/Feature
The Lure of the Footlights 1923 Madam Bastrup, Sørens mor DK/Feature
Lodgers of Seventh Heaven 1923 Bedstemor DK/Feature
On the Stroke of Midnight 1923 Sognefogedens kone DK/Feature
Struggling Hearts 1923 Appearance DK/Feature
The Hand of Fate 1922 Moster Gertrud DK/Feature
Her guardian angel 1922 Appearance DK/Feature
Our mutual friend I-II 1921 Appearance DK/Feature
Beyond the Barricade 1920 Barnepige hos Bergs DK/Feature
A Friend of the People 1918 Kamp-brødrenes mor DK/Feature
Ödets redskap Gamle fru von Winge Feature