Title | Year | Function | Category |
Carl - My Childhood Symphony | 1994 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Kærlighed ved første desperate blik | 1994 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Snooks in the Limelight | 1994 | Director of Photography | DK/Feature |
Fish out of water | 1993 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Black Harvest | 1993 | Cinematographer: 2. unit | DK/Feature |
The Snooks | 1992 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Hayfever | 1991 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The village | 1991 | Cinematography | TV series |
Waltzing Regitze | 1989 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Walter and Carlo in America | 1989 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Murder in Paradise | 1988 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The girl in a swing | 1988 | Cinematography | Feature |
Station 13 | 1988 | Cinematographer | TV series |
Katinka | 1988 | Director of photography | DK/Feature |
Tootsiepops and Candyfloss | 1987 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Waiting in the wings | 1987 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Epilepsi - og hvad så? | 1987 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
The fight for the red cow | 1987 | Cinematographer: 2. unit | DK/Feature |
The people behind the camera 2 | 1986 | Appearance | DK/Documentary |
The people behind the camera 1 | 1986 | Appearance | DK/Documentary |
Walter and Carlo, part II | 1986 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Mordet i Finderup lade | 1986 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Murder in the Dark | 1986 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Angels in love | 1985 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The smuggler king | 1985 | Cinematography | Feature |
Sneakers - Back Stage | 1985 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
In the middle of the night | 1984 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Kurt and Valde | 1983 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Hole in one | 1983 | Cinematography | DK/Short fiction |
Apotekeren i Broager | 1983 | Camera operator | TV series |
Kidnapning | 1982 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Cross My Heart | 1982 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Three angels and five lions | 1982 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Jane Muus and the image | 1982 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Een stor familie | 1982 | Director of Photography | TV series |
The ballad of Linda | 1982 | Cinematographer | DK/Feature |
Jeppe på bjerget | 1981 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Jeg alene undkom - en film om Carsten Niebuhr | 1981 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Denmark is closed | 1980 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Balancing act | 1980 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
The Olsen gang never surrenders | 1979 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The Office Picnic | 1978 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Mirror, mirror | 1978 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Matador | 1978 | Cinematographer: episode 1-6 | TV series |
The Olsen gang strikes again | 1977 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The low energy house | 1977 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Affæren i Mølleby | 1976 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The office party | 1976 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
It all adds up | 1976 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Gud alene æren | 1976 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
The Olsen gang sees red | 1976 | Cinematographer: Additional shoot | DK/Feature |
The Olsen gang on the track | 1975 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Per | 1975 | Cinematographer: 2. unit | DK/Feature |
Mafia 2 | 1974 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
+ - 0 | 1974 | Cinematography, Co-director | DK/Experimental |
Scandinavia on a summers day | 1974 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Den kyske levemand | 1974 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Me and the mafia | 1973 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
På'en igen Amalie | 1973 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
A civilian lawsuit | 1973 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Denmark - A Loving Embrace | 1973 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Der er ingen grænser | 1973 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
The work of the Devil | 1972 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
China in Denmark | 1972 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Før 2. oktober - en film med Palle Lauring | 1972 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Guld til præriens skrappe drenge | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Hvor er liget, Møller? | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Narco - a film about love | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Miss World | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Wild angels - a minority in Denmark | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Frimærket | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Så er det nu, III: Det gælder din velstand | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Så er det nu, II: Indenfor murene | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Så er det nu, IV: Skal - skal ikke | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Så er det nu, I: Europa - verdens navle | 1971 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Our Home is Our Castle | 1971 | Cinematographer: 2. unit | DK/Feature |
Lille land - hvad nu? | 1970 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Exit | 1970 | Cinematography | Feature |
Løgneren | 1970 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Nøglen til Paradis | 1970 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Præriens skrappe drenge | 1970 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Ska' vi lege skjul? | 1970 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Huset på Christianshavn | 1970 | Cinematography | TV series |
The Merry-Go-Round | 1970 | Cinematography | DK/Experimental |
Sjov i gaden | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Diary of a teenager | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Think of a number | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Do You Believe in Witches? | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Experimental |
Hashish | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Ro-taget | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Skud på mål | 1969 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
One Saturday Evening | 1968 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
In the green forest | 1968 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
The Olsen gang | 1968 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Cirkusrevyen 67 | 1967 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
These are horses, not oranges | 1967 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Historien om Barbara | 1967 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Princess Margrethe's Wedding Day | 1967 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Fight No.7 | 1966 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Once there was a war | 1966 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Krybskytterne på Næsbygaard | 1966 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Tre små piger | 1966 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Venom | 1966 | Cinematographer | DK/Feature |
Næsbygaards arving | 1965 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Rytmer i Tivoli | 1965 | Cinematography | DK/Short fiction |
Mother is driving | 1965 | Cinematography | DK/Feature |
Murmel | 1965 | Cinematography | TV film |
Form og rytme | 1965 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Halløj i himmelsengen | 1965 | Cinematographer | DK/Feature |
A helping hand | 1963 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Denmark's development assistance - Giro no. 9 | 1962 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
Hvad med ensilagesaften | 1962 | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |
A Ballet Ballade | 1962 | Cinematographer | DK/Experimental |
The duel | 1962 | Camera assistant | DK/Feature |
Andre folks børn | 1958 | Camera operator | DK/Feature |
The Secret of Danish Agriculture | Cinematography | DK/Documentary | |
Black, brown and beige: En film om tobak | Cinematography | DK/Documentary |