
Elizabeth Taylor

(1932 – 2011)

Title Year Function Category
Il Giovane Toscanini 1988 Appearance Feature
Genocide 1982 Narrator Documentary
Divorce his - divorce hers 1973 Appearance TV film
x, y & zee 1972 Appearance Feature
The only game in town 1969 Appearance Feature
Reflections in a golden eye 1967 Appearance Feature
The taming of the shrew 1967 Appearance Feature
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966 Appearance Feature
Cleopatra 1963 Appearance Feature
Suddenly, Last Summer 1960 Appearance Feature
Butterfield 8 1960 Appearance Feature
Giant 1956 Appearance Feature
Ivanhoe 1952 Rebecca Feature
Politiken's Film Journal no. 132 1952 Appearance Non-fiction footage
A Place in the Sun 1951 Appearance Feature
Father of the Bride 1950 Appearance Feature
Courage of Lassie 1946 Appearance Feature