
Else Frölich

(1880 – 1960)

Title Year Function Category
Adrift 1920 Nancy Bell, Toms datter DK/Feature
The mute 1919 Edith Randolph DK/Feature
Hostile powers 1919 Kamilla von Moth, bankierens datter DK/Feature
The gentleman chauffeur 1918 Script DK/Feature
Her knight 1918 Mira, Constances adoptivdatter DK/Feature
Solen, der dræbte 1918 Elsbeth, van Hujs' kone/van Eldens kone DK/Feature
De mystiske Fodspor 1918 Marion, gift med Carl DK/Feature
Præstens Datter 1918 Fru Linde, præstens ex-kone DK/Feature
Hittebarnet 1917 Miss Helen Radford DK/Feature
Den Retfærdiges Hustru 1917 Yelva, Steins hustru DK/Feature
Et Barnehjerte 1917 Frida, fabrikantens datter DK/Feature
The motor-car mystery 1917 Claire, Jeans hustru DK/Feature
The battle of hearts 1917 Komtesse Irene Ravnsholt DK/Feature
Mellem de yderste Skær 1917 Lisa, Regnars datter DK/Feature
The mid-night sun 1916 Addi Hölzer DK/Feature
Voksdamen 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
For sin Faders Skyld 1916 Lilian, Raages hustru DK/Feature
Gentlemansekretæren 1916 Florrie, millionærdatter, 24 år DK/Feature
Hendes Fortid 1916 Yvonne, professorens model DK/Feature
Katastrofen i Kattegat 1916 Elly, fyrmesterens hustru DK/Feature
Tragedy of the Sea 1916 Magda, Thorsens datter DK/Feature
The hermit 1916 Irene, grevens hustru DK/Feature
Room No. 17 1916 Mary, Bulwers hustru DK/Feature
The poisonous arrow 1916 Ethel, oberstens hustru DK/Feature
The crossroads of life 1916 Elise, godsejerens datter DK/Feature
Cowboymillionæren 1915 Mabel Huggins DK/Feature
Hvem er Gentlemantyven? 1915 Ebba, Goldmanns hustru DK/Feature
Mandelist er vel behænde 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Mysterious Flashlight 1915 Mary, kroværtens datter DK/Feature
A modern knight errant 1915 Nelly, Worchesters datter DK/Short fiction
Kampen om Barnet 1915 Sorte Britta DK/Feature
Dishonoured 1915 Maria Ziegler, varietésangerinde DK/Feature
En Skæbne 1915 Irma Walter, skuespillerinde DK/Feature
The Candle and the Moth 1915 En letlevende dame DK/Feature
A resurrection 1915 Daisy Leblanc DK/Feature
Den sidste Nat 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
Den skønne Ubekendte 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Woman with the Red Hair 1914 Kate Blond, Davidoffs medhjælperske DK/Feature
The Convict's Son 1914 Nina Bloch DK/Feature
The Stolen Siege-Gun Plans 1914 Evan, Dubois' kone DK/Feature
Uncle's ghost 1914 Kissy Bobbs, Carsons veninde DK/Feature
His Most Difficult Part 1913 Komtesse Linda DK/Short fiction
Girl graduate 1913 Ruth, Frk. Studenten DK/Short fiction
The Devil's Daughter 1913 Ariadne Leifert, "Djævelens Datter" DK/Feature
The test 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
One Life One Love 1913 Edith Falck, skuespiller DK/Short fiction
Naar Fruen gaar paa Eventyr 1913 Fru Barilloc DK/Short fiction
Dearly purchased friendship 1913 Alice, von Branners datter DK/Feature
Father and son 1913 Kaptajn Holms kone DK/Short fiction
Paa Vildspor 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
The vicar's daughter 1913 Komtesse Polly, grevens datter DK/Feature
The Steel King's Last Wish 1913 Venia, Williams kusine DK/Feature
Wanted 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
The Queen of the Season 1912 Fru Blank DK/Short fiction
Outwitted 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Vanquished 1912 Grevinde Rinette v. Thule DK/Feature
Fire of Fate 1912 Harriet, Jyrtels hustru DK/Feature
Love in the Tropics 1912 Miss Violet Barry DK/Feature
When Love Dies 1912 Anne-Lise, Tangs hustru DK/Feature
Bornholmeruret 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Little Railroad Queen 1912 Eva, Iwan og Alexandras datter DK/Feature
A High Stake 1912 Danserinden Kartowska DK/Feature
The angling widow 1912 Fru Bella Friis DK/Short fiction
The Aviator's Generosity 1911 Warrens hustru DK/Feature
Lady Mary's Love 1911 Vibeke, Schyttes datter DK/Feature
The Rights of Youth 1911 Frk. Engelke, Elses selskabsdame DK/Feature