Title | Year | Function | Category |
Han er Mormon | 1922 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Roses and Rendezvous | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Amatørdetektiven | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The Roast Hare | 1921 | Hr. Nokkesen | DK/Short fiction |
The Chicken Chaser | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Rejsen til Maanen | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The Peacemaker | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Kæledæggen | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Ungkarleliv | 1921 | Knopp, pebersvend | DK/Feature |
De livlige Statuer | 1921 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Den lille Don Juan | 1920 | Script, Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Den forvandlede Don Juan | 1920 | Grosserer Tusserup | DK/Short fiction |
Den tapre Skrædder | 1920 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
De keder sig paa Landet | 1920 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Hun fik ham ikke | 1920 | En tyveknægt | DK/Short fiction |
The penalty of fame | 1920 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
Football Calamities | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The Heart Thief | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
Byens Herkules | 1919 | William Mopps, dropsfabrikant | DK/Feature |
En forfløjen Ægtemand | 1919 | Sæbefabrikant Butter | DK/Short fiction |
Har De ikke set Cecilie? | 1919 | Peter Knopp | DK/Short fiction |
Hendes Mands Forlovede | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
Kærlighed og Kontanter | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
En kriminel Historie | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Maharajaens Yndlingsflamme | 1919 | Peter Knop | DK/Feature |
Mandens Overmand | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Mælkemandens Hest | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Nelly's Knights | 1919 | Mikkelsen, pebersvend | DK/Short fiction |
De tossede Mandfolk | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Kærlighedsdigteren | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Sweet Little Thing | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Et nydeligt Trekløver | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Skørtejægeren | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Han vil til Filmen | 1919 | Nolle, grosserens nevø | DK/Short fiction |
The Master Hypnotist | 1919 | Palle, skibsdreng | DK/Short fiction |
A Printer's Error | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Mesterdetektiverne | 1919 | Nolls, forbryderhøvding | DK/Short fiction |
Fugleskræmslet | 1919 | Fipp, skrædder | DK/Short fiction |
Gøglerbandens Adoptivdatter | 1919 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
Det spøger i Villaen | 1918 | Grosserer Knopp | DK/Short fiction |
She Writes on a Machine | 1918 | Snik, sagfører | DK/Short fiction |
Ned med Kærligheden | 1918 | Jakob Jumpe, grosserer | DK/Short fiction |
Reservestatisten | 1918 | Peter Knopp, reservestatist | DK/Short fiction |
En uheldig Tyveknægt | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Da Tøffelhelten generalstrejkede | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Hendes stille Sværmeri | 1918 | Sven Slinger, digter | DK/Short fiction |
Kærlighedsspekulanten | 1918 | Grosserer Madsen | DK/Short fiction |
The Henpecked Husband’s Birthday | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Bunkebryllup | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
His Phony Son | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Naar Ungdommen raser | 1918 | Sagfører Svinke | DK/Feature |
Ung Pige i Huset | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Avisdrengen | 1918 | Gin Haj, matros på "Håbet" | DK/Feature |
The Face in the River | 1918 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
Abemennesket | 1917 | Professor Momme | DK/Short fiction |
Askepot | 1917 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Den forfulgte Brudgom | 1917 | Lohengrin-Jensen, direktør | DK/Short fiction |
De forheksede Støvler | 1917 | Grosserer Nicolaj Nuttekær | DK/Short fiction |
Den glemsomme Professor | 1917 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Hyrdepigens Kærlighed | 1917 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Den ny Kokkepige | 1917 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Professorens dyrebare Krukke | 1917 | Professor Potmann | DK/Short fiction |
En tro og villig Pige | 1917 | Grosserer Nokkemann | DK/Short fiction |
Et fremmeligt Barn | 1917 | Klaus, Lembergs søn | DK/Short fiction |
Sufflørens Stedfortræder | 1917 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The telephone girl | 1917 | Pelle | DK/Feature |
My Sister-in-law from America | 1917 | Tommy, Balles bror | DK/Short fiction |
Diskenspringeren | 1917 | Diskenspringer Nullerup | DK/Short fiction |
Ung og forelsket | 1917 | Grosserer Isac | DK/Feature |
Kampen om Kvinden | 1917 | Morten Lee, matros | DK/Feature |
The Umbrella Shop | 1916 | Holm, paraplyfabrikant | DK/Short fiction |
En dejlig Dag | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Gullasch Grossererens Vogter | 1916 | Grosserer Gullassen | DK/Short fiction |
Kærlighed og Skræddergæld | 1916 | Skræddermester Sting | DK/Short fiction |
Sommer-Kærlighed | 1916 | Sagfører Snip | DK/Short fiction |
Den ædle Skrædder | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
A Lively Night | 1916 | Skomageren | DK/Short fiction |
Det bertillonske System | 1916 | Fuldmægtig Søren Willemoes Sørensen | DK/Short fiction |
The way to get thin | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Skinsyge-Digteren | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
En sød Logerende | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Min Onkel Generalkonsulen | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Vidunderhunden | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The trumpeter and the author | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Det gaadefulde Væsen | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
I tjenstligt Øjemed | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Swank | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
En uheldig Skygge | 1916 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Fred as a debutante | 1915 | Hr. Petersen | DK/Short fiction |
Put me amongst the girls | 1915 | Fuldmægtig Bømler | DK/Short fiction |
His day's work | 1915 | Bernhard, hverken køn eller begavet | DK/Short fiction |
Uniformens Magt | 1915 | Oberst Stern | DK/Short fiction |
En Kone søges | 1915 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Three Men and a Maid | 1915 | Buch, millionær | DK/Short fiction |
The Skipper's Ghost | 1915 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Den gæve Ridder | 1915 | Baron von Gothenburg | DK/Feature |
To Mand frem for en Enke | 1915 | Melhandler Tønnesen | DK/Short fiction |
Tyvepak | 1915 | Menig betjent | DK/Short fiction |
Peter's wife's mother | 1915 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
His new grey trousers | 1915 | En skomagerdreng | DK/Short fiction |
A thief in the night | 1915 | Politimesteren | DK/Short fiction |
Only a country girl | 1915 | Beermann, handelsrejsende | DK/Short fiction |
Carl Alstrup’s Love, ltd. | 1915 | Ventour, skræddermester | DK/Feature |
Naughty boy | 1915 | "Drengen" | DK/Short fiction |
Trold kan tæmmes | 1915 | Chas. Smith, grosserer | DK/Feature |
En Vandgang | 1915 | Ole Havekarl | DK/Short fiction |
The new apprentice | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Stop thief! | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
None could resist | 1914 | Brik, pebersvend | DK/Short fiction |
Cupid dances the tango | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The new tutor | 1914 | Greveparrets søn | DK/Short fiction |
The new cook | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Min Ven Levy | 1914 | Levy, journalist | DK/Short fiction |
Votes for women | 1914 | von Puppenstock, godsejer | DK/Feature |
Cupid's Crooked Ways | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The Sweep Will Call To-morrow | 1914 | Script | DK/Short fiction |
The Outcast | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
A night out | 1914 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Fred As Decorator | 1913 | Lille Peter | DK/Short fiction |
Fem Kopier | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Fred As Soldier | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Luck's out | 1913 | skuespiller | DK/Short fiction |
Where is doggy? | 1913 | Pimpesen | DK/Short fiction |
Tom in a hurry | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Lykkens lunefulde Spil | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The professor's travelling adventures | 1913 | Professor Buch | DK/Short fiction |
Axel Breidahl som Hypnotisør | 1913 | Jensen, rival | DK/Short fiction |
Ramasjang i Kantonnementet | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Wanted a Sweetheart | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
A skipper's story | 1913 | Skipper-kollega | DK/Short fiction |
Et Drama i Kystbanetoget | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Uninvited | 1913 | Oberst Brumberg | DK/Short fiction |
Told in confidence | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
His Highness, The Prince | 1913 | Baller, byrådsmedlem | DK/Feature |
His Most Difficult Part | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Out on the Deep | 1913 | Fred, skibskok | DK/Feature |
Grossererens Overordnede | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The magic bottle | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Wanted | 1913 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
The Disturbed Sentry | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
How pictures are made | 1912 | Betjent Snild | DK/Short fiction |
The bewitched rubber shoes | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The new Boot-Cleaner | 1912 | Fritz, skopudser | DK/Short fiction |
A good make-up | 1912 | Indbrudstyv | DK/Short fiction |
A summer flirtation | 1912 | Max Holm | DK/Short fiction |
Three married men | 1912 | Urtekræmmer og grosserer | DK/Short fiction |
Damernes Blad | 1912 | Første journalist | DK/Short fiction |
Unsuccessful flirtation | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Who is to blame | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Hvad Møllebranden afslørede | 1912 | Johan, kusk | DK/Feature |
Society for young women's protection | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
The Convict | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
The Little Railroad Queen | 1912 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
A Fine Way Out (A Fine Day Out) | 1911 | Tim, Krogs ven | DK/Feature |
The actor as soldier | 1911 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Among Copenhagen Apaches | 1911 | Piphans, vagabond | DK/Short fiction |
The Girls from Cafe Maxim | 1911 | Etatsraad Grøn, dep.chefens far | DK/Short fiction |
Buttons and hooks | 1911 | Chefen for redningskorpset | DK/Short fiction |
The disappearance of Mona Lisa | 1911 | Museumsdirektør | DK/Short fiction |
Anna fra Æbeltoft | 1911 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Herr Storms første Monocle | 1911 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Under Vesterbros Glødelamper | 1911 | En kellner | DK/Short fiction |
The Power of Love | 1911 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
When Passion Blinds Honesty | 1911 | Appearance | DK/Feature |
Slavehandlernes Flugt | 1910 | Goldschmidt, slavehandler | DK/Feature |
The Non-Stop Motorcycle | 1908 | Appearance | DK/Short fiction |
Bumlepetersen "No. 32" | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
En Børneven | Script, Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Dixi som Pudsemand | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Murder will out | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Stadig uheldig | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Mislykket Optagelse af levende Billeder | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Revenge is Sweet | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Kreditten leve | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
The girl of his heart | Bobby, Sir Thomas' kok | DK/Short fiction | |
Lad være at blinke | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Den uundgaaelige Jensen | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Smæklaasen | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Tvillingebrødrene | Appearance | DK/Short fiction | |
Stævnemødet i Frederiksberg Have | Jens, oppasser, Stines forlovede | DK/Short fiction | |
Spaakonens Datter | Appearance | DK/Feature |