
Göran Lindgren

Title Year Function Category
Giliap 1973 Production Feature
Lyckliga skitar 1970 Production Feature
Bokhandlaren som slutade bada 1969 Production Feature
Harry Munter 1969 Production Feature
Jag är nyfiken - blå 1968 Production Feature
Som natt och dag 1968 Producer Feature
People Meet and Sweet Music Fills the Heart 1967 Production DK/Feature
Puss & kram 1967 Production Feature
Flickorna 1967 Production Feature
Nattlek 1966 Production Feature
Syskonbädd 1782 1966 Production Feature
Hunger 1966 Executive producer DK/Feature
Calle P. 1965 Production Feature
Här börjar äventyret 1965 Production Feature
Kära John 1964 Producer Feature