
Holger Pedersen

(1888 – 1930)

Title Year Function Category
The Moody Barber 1927 Barber Kummersen DK/Feature
The Golden Clown 1926 Appearance DK/Feature
Copenhagen’s Sherlock Holmes 1925 Tobias, professor i botanik DK/Feature
Sunshine Valley 1925 Appearance DK/Feature
One Lover Too Many 1924 Baron Preben DK/Feature
The Lure of the Footlights 1923 Alexander DK/Feature
Gissemand paa Kærlighedsstien 1917 Gissemand DK/Short fiction
Den forelskede Gullaschbaron 1917 Jakob Sparre, journalist DK/Feature
Gissemand maa ikke gifte sig 1915 Gissemand DK/Short fiction
Mr. Young's love affair 1915 Hr. Petersen DK/Short fiction
Den skønne Ubekendte 1915 Tønne DK/Short fiction
Mælkedrengen paa sjov 1914 Mælkedrengen DK/Short fiction
The Sweep Will Call To-morrow 1914 Skorstensfejeren DK/Short fiction
The swindlers 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Tact 1914 Hr. Bang DK/Short fiction
Min Ven Levy 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Live Statue 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Bøffen og Bananen 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Gissemand søger en Kone 1913 Gissemand DK/Short fiction
Edith 1912 Forelsket teaterdirektør DK/Feature
Gøglerens Elskov 1912 Steen, Martens' ven DK/Feature
The Craftsman's Adventure 1912 Naal, skræddersvend DK/Feature
Kun en Tigger 1912 Tjeneren DK/Feature
The Farmer's Daughter 1912 Mads, i tjeneste på gården DK/Short fiction
Hotel Thieves 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The happy shoemaker 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Manicurist with the Big Heart 1911 Carl Vedel, Adelheids bejler DK/Feature
As a man soweth 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Lersøens Konge 1911 Nr. 412, Jens Olsen DK/Feature
Den afbrudte Bryllupsnat 1911 Menig 113 DK/Short fiction
Københavnerliv 1911 Krølle Petersen DK/Feature
Samvittighedens Stemme 1910 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Copenhagen By Night 1910 Niels Øje, stamgæst i "Blodkoppen" DK/Short fiction
The Mysterious Cigar 1909 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Arvingen til Kragsholm 1909 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Meyer og Frue paa Lystrejse Appearance DK/Short fiction
Naar Katten er ude Appearance DK/Short fiction
The foundling Appearance DK/Short fiction
Den skæbnesvangre Opfindelse Appearance DK/Short fiction