
Jan Pallesen

Title Year Function Category
Under the Stars 2025 Cinematographer DK/Feature
Off the Record 2024 Cinematographer TV series
Fathers and Mothers 2022 Cinematographer DK/Feature
Gooseboy 2019 Cinematographer, Still photographer DK/Feature
DNA 2019 Cinematographer TV series
Dicte 3 2016 Cinematographer TV series
The Team 1 2015 Cinematographer TV series
Lillemand 2015 Cinematographer TV series
Tomgang 2013 Cinematographer TV series
Borgen 3 2013 Cinematographer TV series
Over the edge 2012 Cinematographer DK/Feature
Julestjerner 2012 Director of Photography TV series
Lykke 2011 2nd cinematographer TV series
Pagten 2009 Cinematography TV series
Usynlige piger 2009 Cinematographer DK/Documentary
Forførerens fald 2008 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Take the trash 2008 Cinematography DK/Feature
Helena - Direktørens datter 2008 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Helt ærlig, mor og far! Jonas - logistikchefens søn 2008 Cinematography DK/Documentary
The Matjulskis 2008 Cinematography DK/Short fiction
Helt ærlig, mor og far! Jakob - Revisorens søn 2008 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Helt ærlig, mor og far! Klara - livvagtens datter 2008 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Roskilde 2008 Cinematographer DK/Documentary
Intet set, intet hørt, intet gjort 2007 Cinematography DK/Short fiction
Lille løgn 2007 Cinematographer DK/Short fiction
Lysets nøgle 2007 Production: 2. unit TV series
Forestillingen om et ukompliceret liv med en mand 2006 Cinematography DK/Short fiction
Mit Danmark - film nr. 5 2006 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Nynne 2006 Camera operator TV series
Ambulance 2005 Cinematography DK/Feature
En gal, en elsker eller en poet 2005 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Come As You Are 2005 Cinematography DK/Short fiction
Five Pairs of Shoes 2005 Cinematography DK/Documentary
My Mother's Love 2005 Director of Photography DK/Short fiction
Store planer 2005 Cinematographer: 2. unit DK/Feature
Jerusalem My Love 2004 Cinematographer: Additional shoot DK/Documentary
Motormagasinet 2004 Camera operator TV series
Between Us 2003 Cinematography DK/Short fiction
9 Preludes on Love 2003 Cinematography DK/Documentary
Frunk 2003 First assistant camera DK/Short fiction
The Fighter 2003 2nd cinematographer, Best boy DK/Short fiction
Farvel 2001 Cinematography DK/Short fiction
The Good Son 2001 Cinematographer DK/Short fiction
Tre på en motorcykel 2001 Cinematographer DK/Short fiction
Her i nærheden 2000 Clapper/loader DK/Feature
Max 2000 Clapper/loader: 2. unit DK/Feature
Nytårsaften 1999 Cinematographer DK/Short fiction
Albert 1998 Clapper/loader DK/Feature
Angel of Night 1998 Camera assistant DK/Feature
Smilla's feeling for snow 1997 Clapper/loader Feature