
John Cleese

(1939 – )

Title Year Function Category
Clifford: The Big Red Dog 2021 Bridwell Feature
A Liar's Autobiography: The Untrue Story of Monty Python's Graham Chapman 2012 Voice Feature
Winnie the Pooh 2011 Narrator Feature
John Cleese: The Alimony Tour 2011 Appearance TV film
The Big Year 2011 Appearance Feature
Spud 2010 Mr. 'The Guv' Edly Feature
Casper & mandrilaftalen 1999 Appearance, Screenplay TV series
Fierce creatures 1997 Rollo Lee, Script, Producer Feature
A Fish Called Wanda 1988 Script, Appearance Feature
Clockwise 1985 Brian Stimpson Feature
Monty Python's the Meaning of Life 1983 Script, Appearance Feature
Monty Python live at the Hollywood Bowl 1982 Script, Appearance Feature
Privates on Parade 1982 Appearance Feature
Time Bandits 1981 Appearance Feature
Monty Python's Life of Brian 1979 Script Feature
Fawlty Towers 1975 Appearance, Creator TV series
Romance With a Double Bass 1974 Script, Appearance Feature
And Now For Something Completely Different 1971 Appearance, Script Feature
Monty Python's Flying Circus 1969 Appearance TV series