
John Larsen

(1935 – 1993)

Title Year Function Category
Strenge tider 1994 Appearance TV series
Stolen Spring 1992 Thorsen DK/Feature
Tavshed 1991 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Tusmørket 1990 Mediet TV film
Peter von Scholten 1987 Rådgiver DK/Feature
Mor er major 1985 Villy TV series
Niels Klims underjordiske rejse 1984 Bjørnegeneralen TV series
Kasimir og Karoline 1983 Læge TV film
Frakken 1980 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Sparekassen 1980 Appearance TV film
Dreams Don't Make Noise When They Die 1979 Læge DK/Feature
Jul i Gammelby 1979 Producer TV series
Ret beset 1978 Hans Nansen TV series
Halli hallo 1978 Appearance TV film
Frikendt 1978 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Matador 1978 Adjunkt Karlsen TV series
Side om side for rødt 1977 Producer TV film
En enkelt til Waterloo 1976 Appearance TV film
Girls at arms II 1976 Hermann Clausens kollega DK/Feature
Frøken Julie 1976 Producer TV film
Bertram og Lisa 1975 Appearance TV film
De landflygtige 1975 Producer TV film
Luder 1975 Producer TV film
Fjernsynet flimrer 1974 Vicevært Wankel TV film
Den meget talende barber 1974 Production TV film
The Girl and the Dream Castle 1974 Advokat Sandhøje DK/Feature
Tilløkke Herbert 1974 Producer TV film
Mr. President 1974 Producer TV film
Fra Hofteatret: Sorte øjne 1974 Producer TV film
Hvor er Ulla Katrine? 1974 Producer TV film
Det lykkelige skibbrud 1974 Producer TV film
Seks roller søger en forfatter 1973 Skuespiller TV film
Friere 1973 Bombardirob TV film
Seks personer søger en forfatter 1973 Appearance TV film
Hjemmearbejde 1973 Production TV film
Spillet om Vesterbro 1973 Production TV film
Apollon fra Bellac 1973 Production TV film
The escape 1973 Direktør Nielsen DK/Feature
Hvor er Viggo? 1973 Producer TV film
Hvornår dør Maria? 1972 Faderen TV film
Mascarade 1972 Production TV film
Den levende vare 1972 Production TV film
Fire portrætter 1972 Production TV film
Hotel Paradiso 1972 Production TV film
Joan 1972 Producer TV film
Den jødiske hustru 1971 Production TV film
Retspleje 1971 Production TV film
Stikkeren 1971 Production TV film
Det moderne menneskes muligheder for sjælelige oplevelser i en teknisk tid 1971 Production TV film
Cayennepeber 1971 Production TV film
Den afdøde 1971 Production TV film
Kom sigøjner 1971 Production TV film
Erotik 1971 Production TV film
Automobilkirkegården 1971 Production TV film
Den fine mand 1971 Production TV film
Javel, hr. bøddel 1971 Producer TV film
Et godt liv 1970 Appearance TV film
Snedronningen 1970 Voice TV film
Hyp lille Lotte 1970 Production TV film
Premiere 1970 Production TV film
Frøken Rosita - Blomsternes sprog 1970 Production TV film
De unge på 80 1970 Production TV film
Smuglerne 1970 Henry TV series
The Daughter - I, a Woman III 1970 Tv-reporter DK/Feature
Nøglen til Paradis 1970 Overlæge DK/Feature
A settlement in Eastern Greenland 1969 Voiceover DK/Documentary
Hjemmet 1969 Niels Olsen TV film
Bananmanden 1969 Appearance TV film
Mildest talt 1969 Production TV film
Romulus den store 1969 Production TV film
Five go adventuring again 1969 Hr. Roland, huslærer DK/Feature
The man who could not sleep 1968 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Beskytterens dilemma 1968 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Woyzeck 1968 Production TV film
Må jeg lege med? 1968 Production TV film
Spøgelsessonaten 1968 Production TV film
Farvel Thomas 1968 Sigurd TV film
The Habour 1967 Voiceover DK/Documentary
The Island 1967 Voiceover DK/Documentary
Don Cristobal og Rosita 1967 Digteren TV film
Ka' De li' østers? 1967 Appearance TV series
Jacob von Thyboe 1966 Appearance TV film
Alle har ret 1966 Appearance TV film
Kom frit frem 1966 Production TV film
I stykker 1966 Production TV film
Living music - Carl Nielsen and His Time 1965 Voiceover DK/Documentary
Mille, Marie og mig 1965 Production TV film
Affæren 1964 Producer TV film
Livets rødder 1963 Appearance TV film
Seks kammerater 1962 Appearance TV film