
Jon Bille Brahe

(1918 – 1997)

Title Year Function Category
På 76°46' nord 1989 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Mellem himmel og jord 1988 Sound DK/Documentary
I morgen er det slut 1988 Sound DK/Feature
Tivoli - My Tivoli 1988 Sound DK/Documentary
Subway To Paradise 1987 Sound DK/Feature
A hole in the ground 1987 Mixer DK/Documentary
A playing human 1987 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
A Ship Reborn 1986 Sound DK/Documentary
The village of Horn 1986 Sound DK/Documentary
Sunrise Dance 1986 Sound DK/Documentary
Hells Angels MC Denmark 1986 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
A word about AIDS 1986 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
6 billeder af en dom...alderdom 1985 Editing DK/Documentary
Miseri Mø 1985 Sound DK/Short fiction
Trylle og tøjdyrene 1 - Den gyldne ring 1985 Sound DK/Short fiction
Trylle og tøjdyrene 2 - En rævepels 1985 Sound DK/Short fiction
Doris, Mona and Lene are care workers 1985 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
The history of trade unions for housekeepers and -assistants 1985 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Panic 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
Bladrejse 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
Women's life in Mocambiques 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
Focus på Herlev 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
Hjørring - Nu og da 1984 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Barbarossa og den danske grundlov - om grundlovsbruddet 22. juni 1941. 1984 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Arbejdsløs - Danmark 1983 1983 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
When the woodchips fly 1983 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Det usynlige pattebarn 1982 Sound DK/Short fiction
The further adventures of the ugly duckling 1982 Sound DK/Short fiction
Made in Denmark 1982 Sound DK/Documentary
Fugle i landskabet 1982 Sound DK/Documentary
Danmark - Dit og mit 1982 Sound DK/Documentary
On the track of a Danish smallholder 1982 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
No more noise! 1982 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
It's nice to feel warm - About young people, drugs, and drug abuse 1982 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Besides that, I'm doing nothing - About young people, drugs, and drug abuse 1982 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
En truet verden 1981 Editing DK/Documentary
We accuse - A newspaper and its campaign 1981 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
The thralls' children 1980 Sound DK/Feature
Rom er et fortryllet bur... 1980 Sound DK/Documentary
Snuden i byen 1980 Sound DK/Short fiction
Snuden rejser hjemmefra 1980 Sound DK/Short fiction
Snuden vender hjem 1980 Sound DK/Short fiction
Dea Trier Mørch 1980 Sound DK/Documentary
Vietnam og Kampuchea november 79 1980 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
The thralls' revolt 1979 Sound DK/Feature
[Mikrocirkulation] 1979 Sound DK/Documentary
Denmark - You'll love it! 1979 Assistant DK/Documentary
The Thralls 1978 Sound DK/Feature
Job in town 1978 Sound mixer DK/Feature
Carl Nielsen 1978 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
Aborresøen - Fødekæden 1978 Sound mixer DK/Short fiction
Aborresøen - Aborrens børn 1978 Sound mixer DK/Short fiction
Aborresøen - Vinter 1978 Sound mixer DK/Short fiction
Aborresøen - Forår 1978 Sound mixer DK/Short fiction
Vejen til Lima 1976 Sound mixer DK/Documentary
In Daddy's Pocket 1973 Sound mixer DK/Feature