
Karen Thalbitzer

(1881 – 1953)

Danish actress, born May 10 1881, died February 15 1953. She started her career at The Royal Danish Theatre in 1900. In 1912, after having toured various Copenhagen theatres, she returned to the royal stage, staying there until 1938. In 1911, she made her début on film at Nordisk Films Kompagni, appearing in no less than 28 silent films between 1911 and 1918. Most often she was cast as the strong, 'wild' or bohemian type of woman.

Title Year Function Category
Once Upon a Time 1922 Bolette Fadebursterne DK/Feature
Markens grøde 1921 Inger Feature

As Karen Poulsen

Title Year Function Category
I Fælledparken 1952 Appearance TV film
Historien om Hjortholm 1950 Ane Steffens, taterkvinde DK/Feature
Ditte, daughter of man 1946 Maren, "Bedste" DK/Feature
The tinder box 1946 Heksen DK/Feature
Mordets Melodi 1944 Flora, påklæderske DK/Feature
Møllen 1943 Lises Mor DK/Feature
Gaa med mig hjem 1941 Enkefrue DK/Feature
Sommerglæder 1940 Fru Graa DK/Feature
Elverhøj 1939 Mor Karen DK/Feature
Det begyndte ombord 1937 Fru Fischer, Elses mor DK/Feature
Nøddebo Præstegaard 1934 Sidse Lugekone DK/Feature
Nyhavn 17 1933 Hilda, restauratrice DK/Feature
Tango 1933 Tangobar-gæst DK/Feature
Kirke og Orgel 1932 Moster Birger DK/Feature
Hotel Paradis 1931 Tosse-Grethe DK/Feature

As Karen Lund

Title Year Function Category
The Adventures of Japhet 1922 Nattê, zigeunerhøvding DK/Feature
The Adventures of Japhet I 1922 Natté, zigeuner DK/Feature
Sons of the soil 1920 Appearance DK/Feature
Day of Judgement 1918 "Kulsort", sigøjnerkone DK/Feature
Naar Hadet slukkes 1917 Lolo, en æventyrerske DK/Feature
Gloria 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Lotte vil paa Landet 1916 Varietésangerinde DK/Feature
The prince of darkness 1916 Cleo Bernard, en eventyrerske DK/Feature
Zirli 1915 Sasa, kokotte DK/Feature
Billedhuggeren 1915 Nanna, skuespillerinde og filmøse DK/Feature
Kgl. Skuespiller Olaf Poulsen i sit Paaklædningsværelse paa det Kgl. Teater 1913 Appearance Non-fiction footage
Paa Vildspor 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Society for young women's protection 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Those Eyes 1912 Frk. Balzac, skuespillerinde DK/Short fiction
The Little Railroad Queen 1912 Alexandra, ekspeditrice DK/Feature
Who is to blame 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Convict 1912 Hutkinsons hustru DK/Feature
Direktørens Datter 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
How to make a reputation 1912 Otto Bangs kone DK/Short fiction
The two convicts 1912 Fru Krans DK/Feature
A woman's wit 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The chloroform mask 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Nihilist 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Buttons and hooks 1911 Berthi, Durands kone DK/Short fiction
Privatsekretæren 1911 Fabrikantens hustru DK/Short fiction
The Ballet Dancer 1911 Yvette, Simons kone DK/Feature
Troskabsprøven Appearance DK/Short fiction
Koleraen Appearance DK/Short fiction
His wish to have a son Appearance DK/Short fiction