
Leif Jensen

(1946 – )

Title Year Function Category
Verdensdamen - Else Marie Bukdahl 2019 Sound DK/Documentary
Pennens filosof 2016 Sound DK/Documentary
The magic voice of Grassland 2015 Sound DK/Documentary
Decoding 2010 Sound DK/Documentary
Det sidste barn 2005 Stills, Sound DK/Documentary
Hvor er byen? 2005 Sound DK/Documentary
The Leap 2005 Sound engineer DK/Feature
Noget om de praktiserende læger i Danmark 2003 Sound DK/Documentary
På Ama'r 2001 Sound DK/Short fiction
Storm P. opfindelser 2001 Sound DK/Documentary
Noget om det danske sygehusvæsen 2001 Sound DK/Documentary
Portrættet 2000 Sound DK/Documentary
Ib Schønberg 2000 Sound DK/Documentary
Et liv på landet 2000 Sound DK/Documentary
At the Faber 2000 Sound TV series
Ovartaci - Kunstner på psykiatrisk hospital 1999 Sound DK/Documentary
Ved Stillebækken 1999 Sound engineer TV series
I Wonder Who's Kissing You Now? 1998 Sound DK/Feature
Laslos tema 1998 Sound DK/Short fiction
En loppe kan også gø 1996 Sound DK/Feature
Brødre 1996 Sound DK/Documentary
Fede tider 1996 Sound DK/Short fiction
Sweethearts 1996 Sound DK/Short fiction
Abort - et ensomt valg 1996 Sound DK/Documentary
Filosof 1996 Sound DK/Documentary
Hvileløse hjerte 1996 Sound DK/Short fiction
Fjordfiskerne 1996 Sound DK/Documentary
I arbejdets midte 1996 Sound DK/Documentary
Two Green Feathers 1995 Sound Feature
Min bondegård 1995 Sound DK/Short fiction
Body Switch 1995 Recording engineer DK/Feature
Snooks in the Limelight 1994 Sound DK/Feature
Et rigtigt bondeliv 1994 Sound DK/Documentary
Fra Brandes til Rifbjerg 1993 Editing DK/Documentary
Andersens julehemmelighed 1993 Sound TV series
Life Is a bitch 1993 Sound DK/Short fiction
Vanens magt 1992 Sound DK/Documentary
The Snooks 1992 Sound DK/Feature
Jasper's Ghost 1992 Sound DK/Feature
I mørke 1992 Sound DK/Short fiction
The great day on the beach 1991 Sound DK/Feature
The birthday trip 1990 Sound DK/Feature
An Abyss of Freedom 1989 Sound DK/Feature
Sally's bizniz 1989 Sound DK/Feature
Walter and Carlo in America 1989 Sound DK/Feature
Everyday Islam 1989 Sound DK/Documentary
Morten maler 1989 Sound DK/Short fiction
Happiness is a curious catch 1989 Sound: trailer DK/Feature
Elvis Hansen - en samfundshjælper 1988 Sound DK/Feature
Time out 1988 Sound DK/Feature
To som elsker hinanden 1988 Sound TV series
Trine 5 år 1987 Editing, Sound DK/Short fiction
Subway To Paradise 1987 Sound DK/Feature
Rehab 1987 Sound DK/Documentary
Sorg-agre 1987 Sound: post-production TV film
The Wolf at the Door 1986 Sound DK/Feature
Take It Easy 1986 Sound DK/Feature
Walter and Carlo, part II 1986 Sound DK/Feature
Angels in love 1985 Sound DK/Feature
De røde bånd 1985 Sound DK/Short fiction
Magten er sød 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
Men Olsen-banden var ikke død 1984 Sound Feature
Interaction - 10 situations with kids and adults 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
Dannebrog - Flådens skib nr. 1 1984 Sound DK/Documentary
In a Straight Line 1984 Sound assistant DK/Short fiction
Pottemageren - en håndværker 1983 Editing, Sound DK/Documentary
Beauty and the Beast 1983 Sound DK/Feature
The indecent ones 1983 Sound DK/Feature
Men det var godt betalt 1983 Sound DK/Documentary
Profession: Badminton - a film about Morten Frost 1983 Sound DK/Documentary
Kurt and Valde 1983 Sound DK/Feature
Cross My Heart 1982 Sound DK/Feature
Jane Muus and the image 1982 Sound DK/Documentary
Underestimated? 1982 Sound DK/Documentary
Stål og Tråd A/S 1982 Sound DK/Short fiction
Høreskadet 1982 Sound DK/Documentary
One glance is enough 1982 Sound engineer DK/Documentary
Een stor familie 1982 Sound TV series
Jeppe på bjerget 1981 Sound DK/Feature
Gorm-feltet 1981 Sound: post-production DK/Documentary
Historien om Kim Skov 1981 Sound: post-production DK/Short fiction
Attentat 1980 Sound DK/Feature
Denmark is closed 1980 Sound DK/Feature
I'm like that too 1980 Sound DK/Feature
Black Pete - no, you're it 1980 Sound DK/Short fiction
The return of Captain Klyde 1980 Sound: post-production DK/Feature
The Olsen gang never surrenders 1979 Sound DK/Feature
Kick Me in the Traditions! 1979 Sound DK/Feature
Reserveofficer - for en sikkerheds skyld 1979 Sound DK/Documentary
Frikendt 1978 Sound DK/Short fiction
Wanna See My Beautiful Navel? 1978 Sound: post-production DK/Feature
New toys 1977 Sound DK/Feature
En forårsdag i helvede 1977 Sound DK/Documentary
Watch Your Back, Professor! 1977 Sound mixer DK/Feature
Flamin' fire-chief 1976 Sound DK/Feature
The gangster's apprentice 1976 Sound DK/Feature
I Tvillingernes tegn 1975 Sound DK/Feature
I Jomfruens tegn 1973 Sound DK/Feature
Løsladt 1973 Sound DK/Documentary
It won't happen to me 1973 Sound DK/Documentary
Different memories 1973 Sound DK/Documentary
How to catch a man 1972 Sound DK/Feature
Life in Denmark 1972 Sound DK/Documentary
Identifikation 17:53 1972 Sound DK/Documentary
FN 310 is missing 1972 Sound DK/Documentary
Time for Work and Time for Play 1972 Sound DK/Documentary
24 Hours With Ilse 1971 Sound DK/Feature
Death is a by-product 1971 Sound DK/Documentary
En landsby i Bulgarien 1971 Sound DK/Documentary
Mellem Marx og Muhammed 1971 Sound DK/Documentary
Også i dag! 1971 Sound DK/Documentary
Drugs 1971 Sound DK/Documentary
Løgneren 1970 Sound DK/Feature
Hans Scherfig 1970 Sound DK/Documentary
Are You Greenlander? 1970 Sound DK/Documentary
Share and share alike 1970 Sound DK/Documentary
Quiet days in Clichy 1970 Recording engineer DK/Feature
Vægteren 1969 Sound TV film
Diary of a teenager 1969 Boom operator DK/Feature
The Cement Crucifix 1968 Sound DK/Documentary
Bridge to Biafra 1968 Sound DK/Documentary