
Maja Bjerre-Lind

Title Year Function Category
Handelen med Menneskeliv 1917 Fru Lemaire DK/Feature
H.P. hænger paa 'en 1917 Fru Pade (en drage) DK/Short fiction
The wager 1917 Appearance DK/Feature
Kornspekulantens Forbrydelse 1916 Grevinde von Altburg DK/Feature
Blandt Samfundets Fjender 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Gaardsangersken 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
En Søns Kærlighed 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Love scenes 1915 Frk. Prip, digterens husholderske DK/Short fiction
I de unge Aar 1915 Fru Claudius DK/Feature
Satanita, the She Devil 1915 Komtesse Cecilie, grevens datter DK/Feature
A double event 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A romance of a will 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
Millionær for en Dag 1914 Goulds frue DK/Feature
Ægteskab og Pigesjov 1914 Mrs. King, modehandlerens kone DK/Short fiction
The new cook 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
For his country's sake 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The new apprentice 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A false pretence 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Jens Daglykke 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
For the Sake of a Man 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
Eventyrersken 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
Amors Krogveje 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Love's Devotee 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
The Fatal Three 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
Min Ven Levy 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The eternal barrier 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
Uninvited 1913 Fru Bambæk DK/Short fiction
Elskovs Opfindsomhed 1913 Enkefru Holm DK/Short fiction
Faded beauties 1913 Fru Margarete von Tedlitz DK/Short fiction
The secret of the bureau 1913 Grevinde de la Garde, von Høffts tante DK/Feature
Behind the Scenes 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Livets Blændværk 1913 Miss Alice Brown DK/Short fiction
Lykkens lunefulde Spil 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Den bortførte Brud 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Convict 337 1913 Olivia, von Silbersteins datter DK/Short fiction
At the Wheel 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
His Unknown Brother 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
A Paradise Lost 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Atlantis 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Hvad Møllebranden afslørede 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
Who is to blame 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Wheels of Fate 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
Under Vesterbros Glødelamper 1911 Jessie Fønss, diamanttyvens elskede DK/Short fiction
The disappearance of Mona Lisa 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Buttons and hooks 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The White Slave Trade 1910 Koblerske DK/Feature
Murder will out Appearance DK/Short fiction
The commodore's daughter Appearance DK/Feature