
Niels Frandsen

Born 1951. Graduate from Roskilde University. Director of several documentaries often with a social and human aspect.

"Husker du..." (1992) was awarded at Freiburg, Moscow and Mauriac, and "Fortællinger ved havet"/"Tales by the Sea" (1995) was awarded with the Italian Prix Leonardo and honoured at ITVA. "Epidemien"/"The Epidemic" (2001) received the Grand Prix at Odense and Prix Europa in Berlin.

Title Year Function Category
Epidemiens ekko 2020 Direction, Screenplay DK/Feature
De åndssvages historie 2015 Research TV documentary
Epidemien 2001 Direction, Script DK/Documentary
Gensyn med Østgrønland... Kirsten Bang 1999 Editing DK/Documentary
Fortællinger ved havet 1995 Direction, Script, Production, Stills DK/Documentary
Husker du... 1992 Direction, Script DK/Documentary
Liv - et billeddigt 1991 Direction, Script DK/Experimental
Den store oprydning - en film om asbestnedrivning 1986 Direction DK/Documentary