
Oscar Stribolt

(1873 – 1927)

Title Year Function Category
Glade dage 1954 Appearance Anthology
The Wolf Hunters 1926 Gæstgiver Nikolajsen DK/Feature
Lykkehjulet 1926 Monsieur Panard, modekonge DK/Feature
Don Quixote 1926 Slotspræsten DK/Feature
The Bilberries 1925 Byens lykkeligste slagter DK/Feature
My Friend the Barber 1924 Appearance DK/Feature
Luck 1924 Tykke, journalist DK/Feature
The smugglers 1924 Smugler Jørgen DK/Feature
Summer Frolics and Shenanigans 1923 Godsejer Sprange DK/Feature
The adventures of Peter Careless 1923 Konsul Diger DK/Feature
Hans Kones Mand 1922 Nicolaysen, spækhøker DK/Short fiction
Among Merry Musicians 1922 Direktør Jessen DK/Feature
Sunshine, Summer and Students 1922 Grosserer Kruse DK/Feature
He, She, and Hamlet 1922 Nabo DK/Feature
The Witches 1922 Munk Feature
De livlige Statuer 1921 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Oh! Uncle! 1921 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Gyldendal 1921 Appearance DK/Commercial
The Film and the Flirt 1921 Herren DK/Feature
Kärlek och hypnotism 1921 Nollemann, hypnotisør og spiritist Feature
Their Silver Wedding 1920 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Bægersvingeren 1920 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Hans bedre Halvdel 1920 Palle Skram, kunstmaler DK/Short fiction
The lost baby 1920 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Evas Forlovelse 1920 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Frøken Larsens Karriere 1920 Baron Bassemann DK/Feature
Et nydeligt Trekløver 1919 Direction DK/Short fiction
Hot on the Trail 1919 Basse DK/Short fiction
Har været med et Brev i Postkassen 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Kærlighed og Lotteri 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Livsforsikringsagenten 1919 Basse DK/Short fiction
Manden, der gøer 1919 Basse, digter DK/Short fiction
Mekanik-Pigen 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Mesterdetektiverne 1919 Basse, privatdetektiv DK/Short fiction
Nalles Børnehave 1919 Nalle DK/Short fiction
The Blackleg 1919 Hr. Basse DK/Short fiction
Den Sømand han maa lide 1919 Skipper Mikkelsen DK/Short fiction
Godsejeren 1919 James Sullivan DK/Feature
Mandens Overmand 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Kærlighed og Kontanter 1919 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Det spøger i Villaen 1918 Direction DK/Short fiction
The Virtuous One 1918 Momme DK/Short fiction
A Provisional Wife Wanted 1918 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Hvis er Barnet? 1918 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Naar man er ung og forelsket 1918 Direktør Stripp DK/Short fiction
Ægteskabshaderne 1918 Godsejer Bombay DK/Feature
Love and Education 1918 Godsejer Mamses, Aages onkel DK/Feature
The Face in the River 1918 David A. Harrison DK/Feature
The gentleman chauffeur 1918 Archibald W. Johnson, strømpefabrikant DK/Feature
Damernes Ridder 1918 Dolle, handelsmand DK/Short fiction
Her knight 1918 Claude Cavelli, advokat, Constances nevø DK/Feature
En tro og villig Pige 1917 Direction DK/Short fiction
Dance Frenzy 1917 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Den megen Kærlighed 1917 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The battle of hearts 1917 Hans von Stoltenberg, ritmester DK/Feature
Ung og forelsket 1917 Grosserer Abraham DK/Feature
Amors Hjælpetropper 1917 Jørgen Bømler, kromand og Odas onkel DK/Feature
The Man Without a Future 1916 Hugh Dremont, millionær DK/Feature
The Love Potion 1916 Oberst Sejsberg, Ingers onkel DK/Short fiction
Arvetanten 1916 Hans von Tønden, godsejer DK/Feature
Swank 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Malkepigekomtessen 1916 Grev Joachim Trolle DK/Feature
En skindød Ægtemand 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Herr og fru Mommesen på skogsutflykt 1916 Spækhøker "Stri" Feature
Den værdifulde Husassistent 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Sommer-Kærlighed 1916 Doktor Snap DK/Short fiction
Trolden i Æsken 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The way to get thin 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Umbrella Shop 1916 Bech, slagtersvend, Larines kæreste DK/Short fiction
Det bertillonske System 1916 Appearance DK/Short fiction
She would be a scout 1915 Pille, apoteker i Lilleby DK/Short fiction
Moving Day 1915 Rentier Holm DK/Short fiction
Down by the sea 1915 Peter Prunch DK/Feature
Hvem var hun? 1915 Borgmesteren DK/Short fiction
His new grey trousers 1915 Paludan Plum, digter DK/Short fiction
A thief in the night 1915 Karl, ung og forlegen DK/Short fiction
Only a country girl 1915 Grosserer Bech DK/Short fiction
Oh! Oh! Suzanne 1915 Particulier Tyksen DK/Short fiction
Three Men and a Maid 1915 Bech, millionær DK/Short fiction
The Grass Widow(er) 1915 Marius Meyer, grosserer DK/Short fiction
En Vandgang 1915 Partikulier Rørstrøm DK/Short fiction
Alle Kneb gælder 1915 Hansen DK/Short fiction
Peter's wife's mother 1915 Appearance DK/Short fiction
To Mand frem for en Enke 1915 Viktualiehandler Feddersen DK/Short fiction
Tyvepak 1915 Overbetjent DK/Short fiction
Love in a Pantechnicon 1915 Ernas far DK/Short fiction
A double event 1915 Baron Browning DK/Short fiction
The amorous detective 1915 Max Stein, direktør for skilsmissebureau DK/Short fiction
Naughty boy 1915 Brumberg, Karls onkel DK/Short fiction
Suzanne in the bath 1915 "Basse", arbejdsløs DK/Short fiction
Hjertefejlen 1915 Doktor Rahr, Evas gudfader DK/Short fiction
An adventure in a harem 1915 Thomas Wilson, amerikansk konsul DK/Short fiction
Kampen om Barnet 1915 Krovært DK/Feature
In the consul's uniform 1914 Descombes, konsul DK/Feature
None could resist 1914 Dam, pebersvend DK/Short fiction
Cupid dances the tango 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Votes for women 1914 Oberst von Kuhnau DK/Feature
The swindlers 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Scala (B) 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Scala 1914 Appearance DK/Documentary
Eventyrersken 1914 Grev Albert von Schönau DK/Feature
The silver snuff box 1914 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Fem Kopier 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Grossererens Overordnede 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
At the Wheel 1913 Bådsmand Sivertsen DK/Feature
A skipper's story 1913 Skipper-kollega DK/Short fiction
A yankee catch 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Faded beauties 1913 Major Kurt von Stauffenberg, ungkarl DK/Short fiction
Luck's out 1913 skuespiller DK/Short fiction
Kæmpedamens Bortførelse 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The magic bottle 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The colored servant 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
His Highness, The Prince 1913 Borgmesteren i Waldeck DK/Feature
Axel Breidahl som Hypnotisør 1913 Svigerfar DK/Short fiction
Ramasjang i Kantonnementet 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A good idea 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Told in confidence 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Brudegaven 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Don't Go on the Spree 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A child of genius 1912 Oscar, violinvirtuos DK/Short fiction
Oscar Stribolts Julegave 1912 Grosserer Hummel DK/Short fiction
Broder och syster 1912 Grosserer Feature
Outwitted 1912 Jægeren DK/Short fiction
The new Boot-Cleaner 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Queen of the Season 1912 Ungkarl DK/Short fiction
The Craftsman's Adventure 1912 Syl, skomagersvend DK/Feature
Who is to blame 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Society for young women's protection 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The prodigal's return 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Unsuccessful flirtation 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Den afbrudte Bryllupsnat 1911 Svigerfa'r DK/Short fiction
The Manicurist with the Big Heart 1911 Hofjægermester Krag DK/Feature
The Girls from Cafe Maxim 1911 Tjener DK/Short fiction
En Arrestation med Ekstraforplejning 1910 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Lattermaskinen 1910 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Expert Hunter 1910 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Ølkuskens Drøm 1910 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Copenhagen By Night 1910 Fedevarehandler Kraft DK/Short fiction
Kean 1910 Kroværten DK/Short fiction
The Abyss 1910 Opvarter i beværtningshave DK/Feature
Elves' Hill 1910 Bjørn Olufson, hushovmester på Højstrup DK/Feature
Faldgruben 1909 Røde Bibi DK/Short fiction
Vildmanden 1908 Tjener DK/Short fiction
De fire Kærester 1908 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Barber's Baby's Christening 1908 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Kaliffens Æventyr 1908 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Havkongens Datter 1908 Appearance DK/Short fiction
A quiet honeymoon Appearance DK/Short fiction
Naar Djævle er paa Spil Appearance DK/Short fiction
Stativerne paa Morgenkommers Appearance DK/Short fiction
Meyer og Frue paa Lystrejse Appearance DK/Short fiction