
Robert Schyberg

(1872 – 1946)

Title Year Function Category
The prince's love 1920 Fyrst Theodor von Grünburg DK/Feature
Forbryderkongens Datter 1917 Direction DK/Feature
Naar Hjertet sælges 1917 Finansministeren DK/Feature
A Lonely Woman 1917 Jackson, professorens assistent DK/Feature
Dash for Liberty 1916 Grubeejer Werner DK/Feature
Eve 1916 Ernst Klarskov DK/Feature
Cora's sacrifice 1916 Grev von Winnigen, gesandt DK/Feature
The chancellor's doom 1916 Thomas Wintersburg, politiker DK/Feature
Fyrstindens Skæbne 1916 Ernesto Rée, fyrstens sekretær DK/Feature
Retribution 1916 Joseph Simpson, bogholder DK/Feature
The poisonous arrow 1916 Retspræsidenten DK/Feature
A Voice from the Past 1916 John Kinley DK/Feature
Lotteriseddel No. 22162 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
Her Son 1916 Appearance DK/Feature
The lost bride 1915 Grev Tarsis DK/Feature
The white rider 1915 Henri Parker, dr. med. DK/Feature
Money (after Zola's novel) 1915 Hamelin, ingeniør, Saccards ven DK/Feature
The Candle and the Moth 1915 Appearance DK/Feature
The Woman with the Red Hair 1914 Barker, detektiv DK/Feature
The Opium Smoker 1914 Hugo von Kauffmann DK/Feature
The Stolen Siege-Gun Plans 1914 Baron Borkum, legationssekretær DK/Feature
Ungdomssynd 1914 Ferdinand DK/Feature
Isle of the Dead 1913 Fyrst Udo von Freundsberg DK/Feature
At the eleventh hour 1913 Aage Hagen, Kurts ven DK/Feature
The Man in the White Cloak 1913 Advokat Bang DK/Feature
De to Brødre 1912 Dr. med. Max Clemens DK/Short fiction
Dr. Gar el Hama 1912 Dr. Watson, læge og privatdetektiv DK/Feature
Det blaa Blod 1912 Grev Ove Sparre DK/Feature
Konfetti 1912 En ung præst DK/Feature
The boy scout hero 1912 Script DK/Feature