
Svend Bille

(1888 – 1973)

Filmography Music
Title Year Function Category
The Olsen Gang in a Fix 1969 Appearance DK/Feature
Spøgelsessonaten 1968 Den afdøde TV film
Boubouroche 1968 Appearance TV film
The neighbours 1966 Bankbestyrer DK/Feature
Fangen 1965 Kong Frederik III. DK/Feature
It's Nifty in the Navy 1965 Tjener på færgen DK/Feature
Ægget 1964 Dufiquet TV film
En af dagene 1963 Bing TV film
We're doing alright 1963 Oberst DK/Feature
Støvsugerbanden 1963 En jernbanefunktionær DK/Feature
Dr. Belhommes pensionat 1961 Markis TV film
Skibet er ladet med - 1960 Generalen DK/Feature
Helle for Helene 1959 Professor Hvam DK/Feature
Paw, a Child Between Two Worlds 1959 Onkel Frants, jagtgæst DK/Feature
Formula for love 1959 Afholdsmand DK/Feature
Mariannes bryllup 1958 Olsen, privatchauffør DK/Feature
Krudt og klunker 1958 Apoteker Madsen DK/Feature
Mig og min familie 1957 Bartender DK/Feature
Taxa K 1640 efterlyses 1956 Mand, der ønsker taxa K 1640 DK/Feature
Ole Lukøje 1955 Appearance TV film
Fy og Bi på Eventyr 1955 Appearance Anthology
Far til fire 1953 Sporvognskonduktør DK/Feature
Som sendt fra himlen 1951 Appearance DK/Feature
My wife is innocent 1950 Direktør DK/Feature
Penge som Græs 1948 A. Vies, chefredaktør ved "X-Pressen" DK/Feature
Hvor er Far? 1948 Direktør Duefeldt DK/Feature
Man elsker kun een Gang 1945 Ottokar Ishøj, Teaterdirektør DK/Feature
Panik i Familien 1945 Strüdorff DK/Feature
Familien Gelinde 1944 Sagfører Skuffelsen DK/Feature
Hans Onsdags-Veninde 1943 Peters ven DK/Feature
An Extraordinary Girl 1943 Fredrik Holm, Grosserer DK/Feature
Ballade i Nyhavn 1942 Stenbeck, Rodians Forlægger DK/Feature
Tag til Rønneby Kro 1941 Minister DK/Feature
Wienerbarnet 1941 Thorkild Sandborg, grosserer DK/Feature
Alle gaar rundt og forelsker sig 1941 Holgersen, teaterdirektør DK/Feature
Gaa med mig hjem 1941 Professor DK/Feature
En lille Tilfældighed 1939 Appearance DK/Feature
Week-End 1935 Nannas formynder DK/Feature
7-9-13 1934 Schmidt DK/Feature
Lynet 1934 Politiadvokat Rømer DK/Feature
De blaa Drenge 1933 Herman Sander DK/Feature
Tretten Aar 1932 Poul Løwe DK/Feature
Odds 777 1932 Sagfører Sadolin DK/Feature
Under the old flag 1932 En Sygeplejerske i De Gamles By, Jens Jensen, Journalist DK/Short fiction
Rosen 1930 Direktøren DK/Short fiction
William Tell and Son 1930 Teaterdirektørens ven DK/Feature
Magdalene 1918 Walter Bertram DK/Feature
For the Sake of a Man 1914 Appearance DK/Feature
The Live Statue 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Elskovs Opfindsomhed 1913 Hans Bugge, gårdejer DK/Short fiction
Dearly purchased friendship 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Girl graduate 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Love is Blind 1913 Alices søn DK/Feature
During the plague 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Tom, the hero 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Atlantis 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
Out on the Deep 1913 Appearance DK/Feature
A good catch 1913 Appearance DK/Short fiction
An Artist's Model 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
A Modern Desdemona 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
Bride of Death 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
The Governor's Daughter 1912 Appearance DK/Feature
The Vampire Dancer 1912 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Anna fra Æbeltoft 1911 Kommis Hans Knudsen DK/Short fiction
A Fatal Lie 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
When Passion Blinds Honesty 1911 Detektiven DK/Feature
The Power of Love 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
The disappearance of Mona Lisa 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
Annie Bell 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
Through Trials to Victory 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
The Ballet Dancer 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
Love and Money 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
The King's Power 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
In the Hands of Imposters 1911 Slavehandler DK/Feature
A Dead Man's Child 1911 Appearance DK/Feature
Buttons and hooks 1911 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The White Slave Trade 1910 Appearance DK/Feature
The Child as Benefactor 1909 Appearance DK/Short fiction
The Hansen family Aage Hansen DK/Commercial
I Karnevalstiden Appearance DK/Short fiction
The incendiary Scydewitz Feature