
Bayerischer Rundfunk

Title Year Function Category
The Distant Barking of Dogs 2017 Co-production DK/Documentary
The Distant Barking of Dogs 2017 Co-production DK/Documentary
Manifesto 2015 Executive Producer Feature
A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation 2013 Co-production Short fiction
Amok 2011 Co-production Short fiction
Atman 1997 Production company Documentary
Die Gebrüder Skladanowsky 1995 Production company Feature
Europa Europa 1990 Production company Feature
Doktor Faustus 1982 Production company Feature
Parsifal 1982 Production company Feature
Berlin Alexanderplatz – Beobachtungen bei Dreharbeiten 1979 Production company TV documentary
Notabene Mezzogiorno 1964 Production company TV documentary