Title | Year | Function | Category |
Theatre of Violence | 2023 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Chokoladekrigen | 2022 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Our Memory Belongs to Us | 2021 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
President | 2021 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
The Remandee - Love Songs from a Prison | 2020 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
I pigernes skjulte verden | 2020 | With support from | Series (documentary) |
En revolutionær familie | 2019 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Love Child | 2019 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
A Comedian in a Syrian Tragedy | 2019 | With support from | Documentary |
Run Like a Girl | 2019 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
On the Inside of a Military Dictatorship | 2019 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Angels Are Made of Light 4:4 - I want peace in our country | 2019 | With support from | Series (documentary) |
Angels Are Made of Light 1:4 - What shapes have you seen in the clouds? | 2019 | With support from | Series (documentary) |
Tradition eller tivoli | 2019 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Lost Warrior | 2018 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
We could be heroes | 2018 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
What Walaa Wants | 2018 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Angels Are Made of Light | 2018 | With support from | Documentary |
Shanthi Maargam - på rette vej | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Viva la vagina | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Zeit Zeitoun | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Girl vs. World | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Las Golondrinas | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Don Chico | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Manila High - Livet i selskab med døden | 2017 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Spell It | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Alexa Human | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Ice Ice Maybe | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Defekte donationer | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
The Girl, Phallin | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Jungle | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
På grænsen til fred | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
The Girls of Eastleighwood | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Blomstersamlerne | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Sjælehyrde | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Ahmed af Jerusalem | 2016 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Krigerne fra Nord | 2014 | In collaboration with | DK/Documentary |
Varm luft for milliarder | 2013 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Under den samme himmel | 2013 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Tro Håb Afghanistan | 2013 | With support from | Series (documentary) |
Tro Håb Afghanistan: Faridullahs fridag | 2013 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tro Håb Afghanistan: Laylas melodi | 2013 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Tro Håb Afghanistan - Asadaghas hjerte | 2013 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tro Håb Afghanistan: Machgans vilje | 2013 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tro Håb Afghanistan: Walis ven | 2013 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vulkanens vogter | 2013 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Stealing Africa | 2012 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Blod i mobilen | 2010 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Klimaspillet og verdens fattige 5-6 | 2010 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Et stille liv | 2010 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Cairo skrald | 2009 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Klimaspillet og verdens fattige 1-4 | 2009 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Bongo Superstars | 2008 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
For mange kokke | 2007 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Handicappede uden grænser | 2005 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Survivor in the Zongo | 2005 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Dagbog fra Hongkong | 2005 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Lad os handle 1-2 | 2005 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
EU og de fattige | 2004 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Spillets regler | 2004 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Fattige på flugt | 2003 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Levende ord 3: Mødet med det fremmede | 2001 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Rejsen med Mai | 1997 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Levende ord 2: Miljø og udvikling | 1997 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Levende ord 1: Fællesskab og demokrati | 1996 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Vietnam - Rejsen til Det gyldne Hav | 1995 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ghana i 4 dele. Fisk begynder med f | 1994 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Guatemala i 4 dele | 1993 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
At bygge et skib | 1990 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Guld og grønne skove | 1990 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Håbets træer | 1989 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mit søde barn | 1987 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Den grønne fattigdom | 1983 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Revolutionens børn | 1981 | With support from | DK/Documentary |
Bonden - om en kollektiv familie på landet | 1974 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Familien - om bolig- og levevilkår i Bombay | 1974 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Landsbyen - om et kasteløst samfund | 1974 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Det er jeres jord | 1973 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Hos os i Jordan | 1972 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Hos os i Tanzania | 1972 | Commissioner | DK/Documentary |
Jernbanebørnene fra Kolkata | With support from | DK/Documentary | |
Oscar - 3 dele | Production company | DK/Short fiction |