
Dansk Tegnefilm

Dansk Tegnefilm was founded by director Jannik Hastrup in 1976. He was joined in 1985 by producer Marie Bro, who became partner in 1996. The turning point of the company is the production of Hastrup's own animated films.

"Samson and Sally" (Jannik Hastrup, 1984), about two whales' adventure in a sea full of pollution and whalers, was the first fully animated feature film in Denmark since "The Tinder Box" (Svend Methling, 1946). Among others, Dansk Tegnefilm has produced the Greenlandic tale "The boy who wanted to be a bear" (Jannik Hastrup, 2003) that became an international success and won several prizes. The popular animated elf Circleen has also received international attention through Dansk Tegnefilm's production of three animated feature films: "Cirkeline: Storbyens mus" (Jannik Hastrup, 1998), "Circleen: Mice & Romance" (Jannik Hastrup, 2000) and "Little Big Mouse" (Jannik Hastrup, 2004).

A cooperation between Jannik Hastrup and Fleming Quist Møller in 2007 resulted in the animated feature films "A Tale of Two Mozzies" (Jannik Hastrup and Fleming Quist Møller, 2007), winner of Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival Audience Award, and "Mini and the Mozzies" (Jannik Hastrup and Fleming Quist Møller, 2014), screened at the Berlinale 2015.

Title Year Function Category
Roselil og stentrolden 2023 Production company DK/Feature
Mus & Kran – Stjerneskruetrækkeren 2020 Production company Series (fiction)
Rita og Krokodille 2 (oversigt) 2018 Executive Producer Series (fiction)
Rita og Krokodille: Blåbær 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Hulen 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Nat 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: På Langrend 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: I Biografen 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Stranden 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Fødselsdagsfesten 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: I Parken 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Badedyret 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Veninderne 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Duen 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Farmors Fødselsdag 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Køkkenhaven 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Slottet 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Forår 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Halloween 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: En regnvejrsdag 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Kroket 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Jul 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Nytårsaften 2018 Executive Producer DK/Short fiction
Cirkeline, Coco og det vilde næsehorn 2018 Executive Producer DK/Feature
Nothing Happens 2017 Executive Producer Interactive projects
Lili 2015 Executive Producer Series (fiction)
Lili elsker mad 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili børster tænder 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili får besøg 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili er vild med gaver 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili bliver vred 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili kender alle farver 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili møder en dum unge 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Lili holder fest 2015 Production company DK/Short fiction
Blot en drengestreg 2015 Production company, Distribution company DK/Short fiction
Tefik, når du falder skal du rejse dig igen 2014 Production company DK/Short fiction
Cykelmyggen og Minibillen 2014 Production company DK/Feature
Asylbarn – Jamila, Gid jeg kunne flyve 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Hollow Land 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Camping 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Fisketuren 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Pindsvinet 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Skovturen 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Snevejr 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Zoo 2013 Production company DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille (oversigt) 2013 Production company Series (fiction)
Asylbarn – Solén, jeg altid husker far 2013 Co-production, Distribution company DK/Short fiction
Cirkeline i Fandango 2010 Production company Anthology
Prinsessen og vagten 2009 Production company DK/Short fiction
En lille film om nisser 2009 Production company DK/Documentary
Fløjteløs 2009 Production company DK/Short fiction
Pipungerne - Turen til åen 2009 Production company DK/Short fiction
Pipungerne - Hittebarnet 2009 Production company DK/Short fiction
Pipungerne - Mus på stribe 2009 Production company DK/Short fiction
Cykelmyggen og dansemyggen 2007 Production company DK/Feature
Shaman 2007 Production company DK/Short fiction
Krig og kager 2006 Production company DK/Short fiction
You've got sugar 2005 Production company DK/Short fiction
Eventyret om den dårlige samvittighed 2005 Production company DK/Short fiction
Dem derovre og de andre 2004 Production company DK/Short fiction
Cirkeline og verdens mindste superhelt 2004 Production company DK/Feature
Drengen der ville gøre det umulige 2003 Production company DK/Feature
Hund & fisk 2001 Production company DK/Short fiction
Cirkeline - Ost og kærlighed 2000 Production company DK/Short fiction
På vej til billedet 2000 Production company
Alice og Emil på vej til billedet - Hvem er bange for rød, gul, blå 2000 Production company DK/Documentary
Alice og Emil på vej ind i billedet - I svanernes vingeslag 2000 Production company DK/Documentary
H.C. Andersen og den skæve skygge 1998 Executive Producer DK/Feature
Cirkeline - Storbyens mus 1998 Production company DK/Short fiction
Cirkeline (Oversigt) 1998 Production company Series (fiction)
Tango jalousie 1996 Production company DK/Short fiction
Et hundeliv 1996 Production company DK/Short fiction
Æbleflæsk 1996 Production company DK/Short fiction
Birdland - A night in Tunisia 1995 Production company DK/Short fiction
Birdland - Dream a little dream of me 1995 Production company DK/Short fiction
Aberne og det hemmelige våben 1995 Production company DK/Feature
Birdland - Over the rainbow 1994 Production company DK/Short fiction
Birdland - April in Paris 1993 Production company DK/Short fiction
Havets sang 1993 Production company DK/Short fiction
Det er bare os høns 1992 Production company DK/Short fiction
Fuglekrigen i Kanøfleskoven 1990 Production company DK/Feature
Strit og Stumme 1987 Production company DK/Feature
Trylle og tøjdyrene 1 - Den gyldne ring 1985 Production company DK/Short fiction
Trylle og tøjdyrene 2 - En rævepels 1985 Production company DK/Short fiction
Samson og Sally 1984 Production company DK/Short fiction
Bamses billedbog 1983 Production company TV series
Hvordan det videre gik den grimme ælling 1982 Production company DK/Short fiction
Trællenes børn 1980 Production company DK/Feature
Trællenes oprør 1979 Production company DK/Feature
Trællene 1978 Production company DK/Feature
Hellere rask og rig end syg og fattig 1977 Production company, Commissioner DK/Documentary
Ønskebenet 1973 Production company DK/Short fiction
Drengen og månen 1968 Production company DK/Short fiction
It don't mean a thing 1967 Production company DK/Experimental
Cirkeline - De goe gamle 1967 Production company TV series
Generalen 1966 Production company DK/Short fiction
Concerto erotica 1964 Executive Producer DK/Experimental