
DR [TV-Teatret]

Title Year Function Category
Ansigterne 1986 Production company TV film
Nævningene 1980 Production company TV series
Fiskerne 1977 Production company TV series
Side om side for rødt 1977 Production company TV film
Frøken Julie 1976 Production company TV film
En enkelt til Waterloo 1976 Production company TV film
John, Alice, Peter, Susanne og lille Verner 1976 Production company TV series
70'ernes folk 1975 Production company TV film
En landsbydegns dagbog 1975 Production company TV film
Hyrder 1975 Production company TV film
Luder 1975 Production company TV film
Anne og Paul 1975 Production company TV film
Aladdin eller Den forunderlige lampe 1975 Production company TV series
De landflygtige 1975 Production company TV film
Spil 1974 Production company TV film
Blomster til Mona 1974 Production company TV film
Tilløkke Herbert 1974 Production company TV film
Snart dages det brødre 1974 Production company TV film
Fjernsynet flimrer 1974 Production company TV film
Tv-stykket 1974 Production company TV film
Faderen 1974 Production company TV film
Knuder 1974 Production company TV film
Et dukkehjem 1974 Production company TV film
Rundt på gulvet 1974 Production company TV film
Den stjaalne brud 1974 Production company TV film
Natten i ventesalen 1974 Production company TV film
Stykvis 1974 Production company TV series
Gamle dage 1974 Production company TV film
Hvor er Ulla Katrine? 1974 Production company TV film
Mr. President 1974 Production company TV film
Den meget talende barber 1974 Production company TV film
Engang bli'r Danmark frit 1974 Production company TV film
Erasmus Montanus 1973 Production company TV film
Dr. Knock 1973 Production company TV film
Højt spil om tændstikker 1973 Production company TV film
Her bor de gale 1973 Production company TV film
Gabriel 1973 Production company TV film
Don Juan 1973 Production company TV film
Hashtræet 1973 Production company TV film
Tango 1973 Production company TV film
Slap af 1973 Production company TV film
Vi ku' være smukke fugle 1973 Production company TV film
En forglemmelse 1973 Production company TV film
Fru Geesches frihed 1973 Production company TV film
Friere 1973 Production company TV film
Apollon fra Bellac 1973 Production company TV film
Pigerne 1973 Production company TV film
Skyld 1973 Production company TV film
Jap 1973 Production company TV film
Stockcar 1973 Production company TV film
Under observation 1973 Production company TV film
Seks personer søger en forfatter 1973 Production company TV film
Spillet om Vesterbro 1973 Production company TV film
I Adams verden 1973 Production company TV film
Thor og Alvis 1973 Production company TV film
Særlige spor 1973 Production company TV film
Hjemmearbejde 1973 Production company TV film
Båndet 1973 Production company TV film
Bulen 1973 Production company TV film
Privatlivets fred 1973 Production company TV film
Mindesmærket 1972 Production company TV film
Møblerne 1972 Production company TV film
Nyheden 1972 Production company TV film
Hotel Paradiso 1972 Production company TV film
Joan 1972 Production company TV film
Lyseholderen 1972 Production company TV film
Werner Holgersen 1972 Production company TV film
Laila Løvehjerte 1972 Production company TV film
Livsens ondskab 1972 Production company TV series
Sejle op ad åen 1972 Production company TV film
Nu kan det snart være nok 1972 Production company TV film
Fire portrætter 1972 Production company TV film
Teknikerne 1972 Production company TV film
Dronningen 1972 Production company TV film
Den anden 1972 Production company TV film
På vej til Hilda 1972 Production company TV film
Solens børn 1972 Production company TV film
Den levende vare 1972 Production company TV film
Bagagerummet 1972 Production company TV film
Næsehornet 1972 Production company TV film
Skygger 1972 Production company TV film
Jalousi 1972 Production company TV film
Stoppested 1972 Production company TV film
Hvornår dør Maria? 1972 Production company TV film
Rejsekammeraten 1972 Production company TV film
Den fine mand 1971 Production company TV film
Viceværten 1971 Production company TV film
Forfremmelsen 1971 Production company TV film
En mindefest 1971 Production company TV film
Ferien 1971 Production company TV film
Javel, hr. bøddel 1971 Production company TV film
Automobilkirkegården 1971 Production company TV film
Hjemme hos William 1971 Production company TV film
Erotik 1971 Production company TV film
Vi besøger 1971 Production company TV film
Kom sigøjner 1971 Production company TV film
Tykke Olsen 1971 Production company TV film
Den afdøde 1971 Production company TV film
Cayennepeber 1971 Production company TV film
Morfar i parken 1971 Production company TV film
Stikkeren 1971 Production company TV film
Retspleje 1971 Production company TV film
Den jødiske hustru 1971 Production company TV film
Kommunisten 1971 Production company TV film
Kreditorer 1971 Production company TV film
Rullegardinet 1971 Production company TV film
Onkel Vanja 1971 Production company TV film
Søndagen og Benny 1971 Production company TV film
Nattens frelse 1971 Production company TV film
Til lykke Hansen 1971 Production company TV film
Pelsen 1971 Production company TV film
Huset i baggården 1971 Production company TV film
Frisørinden 1971 Production company TV film
Jonas 1971 Production company TV film
Rundt om Selma 1971 Production company TV film
Indbildt hanrej 1971 Production company TV film
Soiree musicale 1971 Production company TV film
Sæsonen slutter 1971 Production company TV film
Hjertet der sladrede 1971 Production company TV film
Bella 1970 Production company TV film
Kongen skal dø 1970 Production company TV film
Alt, hvad jeg ejer, får jeg igen 1970 Production company TV film
Vor by 1970 Production company TV film
De unge på 80 1970 Production company TV film
Efteraber 1970 Production company TV film
Samtale om natten i København 1970 Production company TV film
Udviklinger 1970 Production company TV film
Nattergalen 1970 Production company TV film
Fruens moder 1970 Production company TV film
Ikke et ord om Harald 1970 Production company TV film
Ved du hvad du skulle? Gifte dig med Tulle! 1970 Production company TV film
Arseniktimen 1970 Production company TV film
Det 1970 Production company TV film
De usynlige 1970 Production company TV film
Fange med eskorte 1970 Production company TV film
Vinderen 1970 Production company TV film
Snedronningen 1970 Production company TV film
Sulevælling I 1970 Production company TV film
Sulevælling II 1970 Production company TV film
Et godt liv 1970 Production company TV film
Værelset 1970 Production company TV film
Faders kop 1970 Production company TV film
Småborgerbryllup 1970 Production company TV film
Mellem fem og syv 1970 Production company TV film
Mildest talt "Dimensionspigen" 1970 Production company TV film
Søn i huset 1970 Production company TV film
Hyp lille Lotte 1970 Production company TV film
Romulus den store 1969 Production company TV film
Til døden os skiller 1969 Production company TV film
For lang og tro tjeneste 1969 Production company TV film
Resternes politik 1969 Production company TV film
Karrig niding 1969 Production company TV film
Den stærkeste 1969 Production company TV film
Nå, drenge, hvordan går det? 1969 Production company TV film
Din underskrift 1969 Production company TV film
Sig ja til livet 1969 Production company TV film
En forårsaften 1969 Production company TV film
Pelikanen 1969 Production company TV film
Et spil om et lukket rum 1969 Production company TV film
Huset på grænsen 1969 Production company TV film
Bananmanden 1969 Production company TV film
Fru Mimi 1969 Production company TV film
Løftet I 1969 Production company TV film
Kainsleg 1969 Production company TV film
Charles 1969 Production company TV film
Vægteren 1969 Production company TV film
Kirsebærhaven 1969 Production company TV film
Mildest talt 1969 Production company TV film
Tag trappen gorilla 1969 Production company TV film
Hjemmet 1969 Production company TV film
Aprilsnarrene 1969 Production company TV film
Det er måske det, der har gjort os så smukke 1969 Production company TV film
Glassplinten 1969 Production company TV film
Slutspil 1969 Production company TV film
Anatol 1969 Production company TV film
Hyggekrogen 1969 Production company TV film
Paria 1969 Production company TV film
Tartuffe 1968 Production company TV film
Døden 1968 Production company TV film
Dværgen, der blev væk 1968 Production company TV film
Kys mig på tåen 1968 Production company TV film
Farvel Thomas 1968 Production company TV film
Hænderne op 1968 Production company TV film
En nat i Roskilde 1968 Production company TV film
Lagkagen 1968 Production company TV film
Spøgelsessonaten 1968 Production company TV film
Cirkulæret 1968 Production company TV film
En maler kommer sjældent alene 1968 Production company TV film
En spurv i tranedans 1968 Production company TV film
Lille Claus og Store Claus 1968 Production company TV film
Må jeg lege med? 1968 Production company TV film
Kære seer og medspiller 1968 Production company TV film
Boubouroche 1968 Production company TV film
Udflugt 1968 Production company TV film
Man skal ingenting forsværge 1968 Production company TV film
Natlig samtale med et foragtet menneske 1968 Production company TV film
De unævnelige 1968 Production company TV film
Henrik IV 1968 Production company TV film
I klemme 1968 Production company TV film
Orange soufflé 1968 Production company TV film
Det er ikke til at bære 1968 Production company TV film
Forårsaften med Faust 1968 Production company TV film
Ardele 1968 Production company TV film
Woyzeck 1968 Production company TV film
I sandhed en helt 1967 Production company TV film
Gidslet 1967 Production company TV film
Rundt om en enebærbusk 1967 Production company TV film
Hortense læg dig og paragraf 330 1967 Production company TV film
9 ordbilleder 1967 Production company TV film
Antigone 1967 Production company TV film
Stillads III 1967 Production company TV film
Undtagelsen og reglen 1967 Production company TV film
Juno og påfuglen 1967 Production company TV film
Det tvungne giftermål 1967 Production company TV film
Ung vrede 1967 Production company TV film
Skt. Annaland 1967 Production company TV film
Tømmerflåden 1967 Production company TV film
Orkestret 1967 Production company TV film
Leleus testamente 1967 Production company TV film
Don Cristobal og Rosita 1967 Production company TV film
Naboer 1967 Production company TV film
Billet til Månen 1967 Production company TV film
Tændstikken 1967 Production company TV film
Gengangerne 1967 Production company TV film
Jordbær til Einar 1967 Production company TV film
Besøg familien men tag straks hjem igen 1967 Production company TV film
Lejligheden 1967 Production company TV film
Ankomst indtil videre 1967 Production company TV film
Skært kød til frk. Afsenius 1967 Production company TV film
Jule-stue 1967 Production company TV film
Ka' De li' østers? 1967 Production company TV series
Forstyr ikke mine cirkler 1966 Production company DK/Experimental
Læn Dem ikke ud 1966 Production company TV film
Vildanden 1966 Production company TV film
Farfar til hest 1966 Production company TV film
Boksning for een person 1966 Production company TV film
Den skaldede sangerinde 1966 Production company TV film
Jacob von Thyboe 1966 Production company TV film
Brecht om Brecht 1966 Production company TV film
Kontoristerne 1966 Production company TV film
Jeppe her på bjerget 1966 Production company TV film
Den blå pekingeser 1966 Production company TV film
Leg med ilden 1966 Production company TV film
Anklage mod ukendt 1966 Production company TV film
Hellere en tyv i huset end en kurre på tråden 1966 Production company TV film
Don Perlimplins kærlighed 1966 Production company TV film
Frøken Mathilde 1966 Production company TV film
Alle har ret 1966 Production company TV film
Koll 1966 Production company TV film
Frieriet 1966 Production company TV film
Om tobakkens skadelige virkninger 1966 Production company TV film
Den store stilhed 1966 Production company TV film
Ned med kulturen 1966 Production company TV film
Vinduer 1966 Production company TV film
Topaze 1966 Production company TV film
Stillads 1966 Production company TV film
Kat og kvinde 1966 Production company TV film
Hvem er jeg? 1966 Production company TV film
Professor Taranne 1966 Production company TV film
I stykker 1966 Production company TV film
Stillads 2 1966 Production company TV film
Genboerne 1966 Production company TV film
Hva' skal vi lave 1966 Production company TV film
Biedermann og brandstifterne 1965 Production company TV film
Farligt sving 1965 Production company TV film
Matador 1965 Production company TV film
Philip Hotz bliver rigtig vred 1965 Production company TV film
Intermezzo 1965 Production company TV film
I krydsild 1965 Production company TV film
Heksejagt 1965 Production company TV film
Morder uden betaling 1965 Production company TV film
Efter 1965 Production company TV film
Wilde West 1965 Production company TV film
Mille, Marie og mig 1965 Production company TV film
Jerry og hunden 1965 Production company TV film
I brændingen 1965 Production company TV film
Krista 1965 Production company TV film
Mordet i værtshuset 1965 Production company TV film
Beretning for et akademi 1965 Production company TV film
Dødedansen 1965 Production company TV film
Retten på vrangen 1965 Production company TV film
Professoren vil synde 1965 Production company TV film
Hughie 1965 Production company TV film
Melodien, der blev væk 1965 Production company TV film
En gal mands dagbog 1965 Production company TV film
Grænseland 1965 Production company TV film
De blå undulater 1965 Production company TV film
Regnvejr og ingen penge 1965 Production company TV series
Ægget 1964 Production company TV film
Affæren 1964 Production company TV film
Alle mine sønner 1964 Production company TV film
Enhver 1964 Production company TV film
Der er noget i luften 1964 Production company TV film
Nøgen 1964 Production company TV film
Køkkenelevatoren 1964 Production company TV film
Et minde om to mandage 1964 Production company TV film
Eurydike 1964 Production company TV film
Candida 1964 Production company TV film
Sagen mod Dr. Fancy 1964 Production company TV film
Dannevirkenatten 1964 Production company TV film
Mit hjerte er i højlandet 1964 Production company TV film
Den gamle 1964 Production company TV film
Glade dage 1964 Production company TV film
Fødselsdagsselskabet 1964 Production company TV film
Bureauslaven 1964 Production company TV film
Vend dig ikke om 1964 Production company TV film
Måne for de mislykkede 1964 Production company TV film
Et fjernsynsmareridt 1964 Production company TV film
Natteherberget 1964 Production company TV film
Strip-tease 1964 Production company TV film
I rum sø 1964 Production company TV film
Elskeren 1964 Production company TV film
Pernilles korte frøkenstand 1964 Production company TV film
Den forførte luder 1964 Production company TV film
En sjæl efter døden 1963 Production company TV film
Skovtur på slagmarken 1963 Production company TV film
Livets rødder 1963 Production company TV film
Den jagede 1963 Production company TV film
Generalinden 1963 Production company TV film
En af dagene 1963 Production company TV film
Jeppe på bjerget 1963 Production company TV film
Tony tegner en hest 1963 Production company TV film
En bjørn 1963 Production company TV film
Paladsrevolutionen 1963 Production company TV film
Når jeg får mit eget 1963 Production company TV film
Jimmys tog 1963 Production company TV film
Udbetaling ved død I 1963 Production company TV film
Udbetaling ved død II 1963 Production company TV film
Harlekin ægtemand 1963 Production company TV film
Uden fast bopæl 1963 Production company TV film
Den føjelige elsker 1963 Production company TV film
Herr Korbes tager imod 1963 Production company TV film
Skyggen af en helt 1963 Production company TV film
De store drenge 1963 Production company TV film
Indenfor murene 1963 Production company TV film
Krapps sidste bånd 1963 Production company TV film
Hosekræmmeren 1963 Production company TV film
Den stundesløse 1963 Production company TV film
Aften 1963 Production company TV film
Gravkaffe 1963 Production company TV film
Enetime 1962 Production company TV film
Alle I unge elskende 1962 Production company TV film
George Dandin 1962 Production company TV film
Før Cannæe 1962 Production company TV film
Måske 1962 Production company TV film
Det evige spørgsmål 1962 Production company TV film
Mutter Courage 1962 Production company TV film
Den ellevte juni 1962 Production company TV film
Vi venter på Godot 1962 Production company TV film
Den korte dag er lang nok 1962 Production company TV film
Kollektionen 1962 Production company TV film
Seks kammerater 1962 Production company TV film
Leve friheden 1962 Production company TV film
Livet er jo dejligt 1962 Production company TV film
Forræderiet 1962 Production company TV film
Midsommerdrøm i fattighuset 1962 Production company TV film
Recensenten og dyret 1962 Production company TV film
Et pletfrit mord 1962 Production company TV film
Judith 1962 Production company TV film
Stuepigerne 1962 Production company TV film
Brønden 1962 Production company TV film
Nu vågner alle... 1962 Production company TV film
Frokostpause 1962 Production company TV film
Kvinden og soldaten 1962 Production company TV film
Nytårsspil 1962 1962 Production company TV film
Domsafsigelsen 1961 Production company TV film
Hustruen 1961 Production company TV film
Axel og Valborg 1961 Production company TV film
Drej m for mord 1961 Production company TV film
Skærmydsler 1961 Production company TV film
Britannicus 1961 Production company TV film
En inspektør ringer på 1961 Production company TV film
En tur i byen 1961 Production company TV film
Ødipus 1961 Production company TV film
Bacchusfesten 1961 Production company TV film
Fru Carrars geværer 1961 Production company TV film
Løgnhalsen 1961 Production company TV film
Mester Pierre Pathelin 1961 Production company TV film
Et feriebarn 1961 Production company TV film
Helligtrekongersaften 1961 Production company TV film
Søskende 1961 Production company TV film
Et brev til en søn 1961 Production company TV film
Narkose 1961 Production company TV film
Dr. Belhommes pensionat 1961 Production company TV film
En dør må være åben eller lukket 1961 Production company TV film
Selskabsrejsen 1960 Production company TV film
Den evige ægtemand 1960 Production company TV film
Apollon fra Bellac 1960 Production company TV film
Treklang 1960 Production company TV film
Tiggeroperaen 1960 Production company TV film
Selskabsrejsen 1960 Production company TV film
Du skønne ungdom 1960 Production company TV film
Et opgør 1960 Production company TV film
Soldaterløjer 1960 Production company TV film
Gamle melodier 1960 Production company TV film
Ole Lukøje 1960 Production company TV film
Forår i Rosenborg Have 1960 Production company TV film
Påske 1960 Production company TV film
Buketten 1960 Production company TV film
Skyggedans 1960 Production company TV film
Paprika 1960 Production company TV film
Nævningen 1960 Production company TV film
Magi 1960 Production company TV film
Pigen og pantelåneren 1960 Production company TV film
Kærlighed 1960 Production company TV film
Fransk uden tårer 1960 Production company TV film
Kamæleonen 1960 Production company TV film
Sandhedens hævn 1960 Production company TV film
Sagen Winslow 1960 Production company TV film
Præsten i Vejlby 1960 Production company TV film
Herr Korczak og børnene 1960 Production company TV film
Glutterbuck 1960 Production company TV film
Man kan aldrig vide 1960 Production company TV film
Et mord 1960 Production company TV film
To i en tråd 1960 Production company TV film
Den skønne ungdom 1959 Production company TV film
Lille rislende kilde 1959 Production company TV film
Paladsrevolution 1959 Production company TV film
Pygmalion 1959 Production company TV film
Herr Sleeman kommer 1959 Production company TV film
Bunbury 1959 Production company TV film
Intrigerne 1959 Production company TV film
En livssag 1959 Production company TV film
Vintersolhverv 1959 Production company TV film
I havn 1959 Production company TV film
Frisøndag 1959 Production company TV film
Den indbildt syge 1959 Production company TV film
Den stærkeste 1959 Production company TV film
Hexerie eller blind alarm 1959 Production company TV film
Jomfruburet 1959 Production company TV film
Skyggen 1959 Production company TV film
I rosenlænker 1959 Production company TV film
Høfeber 1959 Production company TV film
Landsbyfrieri 1959 Production company TV film
Tre søstre 1959 Production company TV film
Stumspil 1959 Production company TV film
Femdollarsedlen 1959 Production company TV film
Faderskolen 1959 Production company TV film
Lukkede døre 1959 Production company TV film
Pas på malingen 1959 Production company TV film
Folk og røvere i Kardemomme By 1959 Production company TV film
X-60 1959 Production company TV film
Væddeløbet 1959 Production company TV film
Don Ferdinand 1958 Production company TV film
Aldrig har så mange 1958 Production company TV film
Forretning er forretning 1958 Production company TV film
Boubouroche 1958 Production company TV film
Møde ved midnat 1958 Production company TV film
Forellen 1958 Production company TV film
Helte 1958 Production company TV film
Barberen i Sevilla 1958 Production company TV film
Den unge biskop 1958 Production company TV film
Aprilsnarrene 1958 Production company TV film
Løkken 1958 Production company TV film
Morgenvisit 1958 Production company TV film
Parasitterne 1958 Production company TV film
Græsenkemanden 1958 Production company TV film
Et pund med posten 1958 Production company TV film
Hvordan kommer jeg frem i verden? 1958 Production company TV film
Vor husven Georg 1958 Production company TV film
Godnat Caroline 1958 Production company TV film
Politimesteren er en flink fyr 1958 Production company TV film
Hr. Badin 1958 Production company TV film
En lillebitte engel 1958 Production company TV film
Eventyr på fodrejsen 1958 Production company TV film
Når mørket sænker sig 1958 Production company TV film
Munken går i enge 1958 Production company TV film
Havhesten 1958 Production company TV film
Den skårede krukke 1958 Production company TV film
Den pantsatte bondedrang 1958 Production company TV film
Ægteskab 1958 Production company TV film
Hjem, hjem du kære hjem 1958 Production company TV film
Een tjener og to herrer 1958 Production company TV film
Skærmydsler 1958 Production company TV film
Gloria 1957 Production company TV film
Glasmenageriet 1957 Production company TV film
Stokken 1957 Production company TV film
Var det en drøm? 1957 Production company TV film
Galt nummer 1957 Production company TV film
Livsflammen 1957 Production company TV film
Foran spejlet 1957 Production company TV film
Dreamy 1957 Production company TV film
Borgersind 1957 Production company TV film
Soldaterløjer 1957 Production company TV film
Hustruleg 1957 Production company TV film
Korsikaneren 1957 Production company TV film
Manden i månen 1957 Production company TV film
Sparekassen 1957 Production company TV film
Flyvende sommer 1957 Production company TV film
Rejsen til de grønne skygger 1957 Production company TV film
Gaslys 1957 Production company TV film
Den lange julemiddag 1957 Production company TV film
Geografi og kærlighed 1957 Production company TV film
Det tvungne giftermål 1957 Production company TV film
De røde tjørne 1957 Production company TV film
Henrik og Pernille 1957 Production company TV film
Fragt under havet 1957 Production company TV film
Mediet 1957 Production company TV film
Kur mod skinsyge 1957 Production company TV film
Video 1957 Production company TV film
Violante 1956 Production company TV film
La serva padrona 1956 Production company TV film
Telefonen 1956 Production company TV film
Afskedssouper 1956 Production company TV film
Det er så yndigt 1956 Production company TV film
En mindefest 1956 Production company TV film
Dronninger af Frankrig 1956 Production company TV film
Frøken Julie 1956 Production company TV film
Candida 1956 Production company TV film
De 23 dage 1956 Production company TV film
De 22 år 1956 Production company TV film
De herrer dommere 1956 Production company TV film
Den forvandlede brudgom 1956 Production company TV film
Virilius 1956 Production company TV film
Forældre 1956 Production company TV film
Tre op og een i mente 1956 Production company TV film
Telefonboksen 1956 Production company TV film
Situation 1956 Production company TV film
Svend, Knud og Valdemar 1956 Production company TV film
Spillerne 1956 Production company TV film
Den kære afdøde 1956 Production company TV film
Skærmydsler 1956 Production company TV film
Historien om en soldat 1956 Production company TV film
Nej 1956 Production company TV film
Erasmus Montanus 1956 Production company TV film
Jeppe på bjerget 1955 Production company TV film
Ole Lukøje 1955 Production company TV film
Menageri 1955 Production company TV film
Østersen og Perlen 1955 Production company TV film
Dr. Knock 1955 Production company TV film
Den lykkelige rejse 1955 Production company TV film
Kivfuglen 1955 Production company TV film
Himmelsengen 1955 Production company TV film
Enden på begyndelsen 1955 Production company TV film
Musefælden 1955 Production company TV film
I sandhed en helt 1955 Production company TV film
De rider mod havet 1955 Production company TV film
Karrig nidding 1955 Production company TV film
De uadskillelige 1955 Production company TV film
En skefuld katharsis 1955 Production company TV film
Marguerite 1955 Production company TV film
Motivet 1955 Production company TV film
En caprice 1955 Production company TV film
Scapins gavtyvestreger 1955 Production company TV film
Majdronningen 1955 Production company TV film
Apotekeren 1955 Production company TV film
Gammeljomfruen og tyven 1955 Production company TV film
En kvinde er overflødig 1955 Production company TV film
Bortførelsen fra Seraillet 1954 Production company TV film
Kapelmesteren 1954 Production company TV film
Hvem ved? 1954 Production company TV film
Lapointe og Ropiteau 1954 Production company TV film
Tran 1954 Production company TV film
Livet er skønt 1954 Production company TV film
Verdens rigeste pige 1954 Production company TV film
En svanesang 1954 Production company TV film
Kardinalernes middag 1954 Production company TV film
Den lille butik 1954 Production company TV film
Der er nemlig forskel 1954 Production company TV film
Vivian venter sig 1954 Production company TV film
Alt er godt 1954 Production company TV film
De rider mod havet 1954 Production company TV film
Før Cannæe 1954 Production company TV film
Kærlighed uden strømper 1954 Production company TV film
Evig kærlighed 1954 Production company TV film
Det første møde 1954 Production company TV film
Fru Mimi 1954 Production company TV film
Li'som lidt ensom 1954 Production company TV film
Acharnerne 1954 Production company TV film
En bjørn 1953 Production company TV film
Et spil 1953 Production company TV film
Hallo, derude 1953 Production company TV film
Falske nøgler 1953 Production company TV film
Kong Renés datter 1953 Production company TV film
Spurve under taget 1953 Production company TV film
Nej 1953 Production company TV film
Guldkalven 1953 Production company TV film
Landsbyfrieri 1953 Production company TV film
Drømmemageren 1953 Production company TV film
Du bliver aldrig fri 1953 Production company TV film
Telefonen 1953 Production company TV film
Bastian og Bastienne 1953 Production company TV film
Døden 1953 Production company TV film
Kong Midas datter 1953 Production company TV film
Emilies hjertebanken 1953 Production company TV film
Den kongelige gæst 1953 Production company TV film
Lievietta og Tracello 1953 Production company TV film
Forlovelse i lygteskær 1953 Production company TV film
Vandmøllen i Appeninerne 1952 Production company TV film
En af tusind 1952 Production company TV film
Hyrdinden og skorstensfejeren 1952 Production company TV film
Prinsesse Irmelin 1952 Production company TV film
Rejsen til de grønne skygger 1952 Production company TV film
Pantalones bryllup 1952 Production company TV film
Forlovelse indgået 1952 Production company TV film
Skyggedans 1952 Production company TV film
Aften 1952 Production company TV film
Aladdin 1952 Production company TV film
I Fælledparken 1952 Production company TV film
Døden 1951 Production company TV film
Teaterdirektøren 1951 Production company TV film
Bryllupsrejsen 1951 Production company TV film
Erasmus Montanus 1951 Production company TV film
Harlekins tryllestav 1951 Production company TV film
Kardinalernes middag 1951 Production company TV film