Title | Year | Function | Category |
Morvern Callar | 2002 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lantana | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tape | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Chelsea Walls | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Secretary | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bully | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Safar é Gandehar | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lost and Delirious | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Focus | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Samsara | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
L' ultimo bacio | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le fate ignoranti | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bella Martha | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Intimacy | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Luce dei miei occhi | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Une hirondelle a fait le printemps | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
Betty Fisher et autres histoires | 2001 | Distribution company | Feature |
La ville est tranquille | 2000 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pollock | 2000 | Distribution company | Feature |
Das Experiment | 2000 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les enfants du siècle | 1999 | Distribution company | Feature |
8 1/2 Women | 1999 | Distribution company | Feature |
La nouvelle Eve | 1999 | Distribution company | Feature |
The War Zone | 1999 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sib | 1998 | Distribution company | Feature |
L' albero delle pere | 1998 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gods and Monsters | 1998 | Distribution company | Feature |
Così ridevano | 1998 | Distribution company | Feature |
Fever pitch | 1997 | Distribution company | Feature |
Under the Skin | 1997 | Distribution company | Feature |
Henry Fool | 1997 | Distribution company | Feature |
Cube | 1997 | Distribution company | Feature |
Winterschläfer | 1997 | Distribution company | Feature |
La buena estrella | 1997 | Distribution company | Feature |
L' appartement | 1996 | Distribution company | Feature |
Jenseits der Stille | 1996 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tierra | 1996 | Distribution company | Feature |
Belma | 1996 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Haiti. Uden titel | 1996 | Distribution company | DK/Documentary |
À toute vitesse | 1996 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ponette | 1996 | Distribution company | Feature |
Eggs | 1995 | Distribution company | Feature |
Angel baby | 1995 | Distribution company | Feature |
Welcome to the Dollhouse | 1995 | Distribution company | Feature |
Flamenco (de Carlos Saura) | 1995 | Distribution company | Feature |
Kjærlighetens kjøtere | 1995 | Distribution company | Feature |
La séparation | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vanya on 42nd Street | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lamerica | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Senza pelle | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les roseaux sauvages | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Amateur | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il grande cocomero | 1994 | Distribution company | Feature |
Calendar | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Love and Human Remains | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
La ardilla roja | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
La madre muerta | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gyerekgyilkosságok | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Caro diario | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bad boy Bubby | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ma saison préférée | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Six degrees of separation | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Aankhen | 1993 | Distribution company | Feature |
Léolo | 1992 | Distribution company | Feature |
Simple men | 1992 | Distribution company | Feature |
C'est arrivé près de chez vous | 1992 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les nuits fauves | 1992 | Distribution company | Feature |
Samba Traoré | 1992 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gas food lodging | 1991 | Distribution company | Feature |
Arizona dream | 1991 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Adjuster | 1991 | Distribution company | Feature |
Highway 61 | 1991 | Distribution company | Feature |
Porte aperte | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Trust | 1990 | Distribution company | Feature |
Heathers | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Unbelievable Truth | 1989 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Belly of an Architect | 1987 | Distribution company | Feature |
A zed and two noughts | 1985 | Distribution company | Feature |
Carmen | 1983 | Distribution company | Feature |
Raging Bull | 1980 | Distribution company | Feature |
New York, New York | 1977 | Distribution company | Feature |
Viva Max | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pierre et Paul | 1969 | Distribution company | Feature |
Je t'aime, je t'aime | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Uno scacco tutto matto | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mandabi | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
The long duel | 1968 | Distribution company | Feature |
Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
La chinoise | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
Deadlier than the male | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Jungle Book | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le samouraï | 1967 | Distribution company | Feature |
Un homme et une femme | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Chimes of midnight | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
La religieuse | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le vieil homme et l'enfant | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
The ugly dachshund | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Made in U.S.A | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Masculin-Féminin | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Paris au mois d'aôut | 1966 | Distribution company | Feature |
Estambul '65 | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
De l'amour | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Heroes of Telemark | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Giulietta degli spiriti | 1965 | Distribution company | Feature |
Angélique - marquise des anges | 1964 | Production company | Feature |
Mary Poppins | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il Vangelo secondo Matteo | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Pawnbroker | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lorna | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
Avec de si | 1964 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Whip and the Body | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le mani sulla cittá | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Sword in the Stone | 1963 | Distribution company | Feature |
Jules et Jim | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Ro.Go.Pa.G. | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mamma Roma | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Seppuku | 1962 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gøngehøvdingen | 1961 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Accattone | 1961 | Distribution company | Feature |
Frihedens pris | 1960 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
One Hundred and One Dalmatians | 1960 | Distribution company | Feature |
The league of gentlemen | 1960 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lebensborn | 1960 | Distribution company | Feature |
Sleeping Beauty | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Les quatre cents coups | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
En fremmed banker på | 1959 | Distribution company | DK/Feature |
Jazz on a Summer's day | 1959 | Distribution company | Documentary |
Les yeux sans visage | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
Der Rest ist Schweigen | 1959 | Distribution company | Feature |
The law and Jake Wade | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
Stage Struck | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
The naked and the dead | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
The geisha boy | 1958 | Distribution company | Feature |
La sfida | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Jet pilot | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
The young stranger | 1957 | Distribution company | Feature |
Julie | 1956 | Distribution company | Feature |
Back from eternity | 1956 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il bigamo | 1956 | Distribution company | Feature |
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit | 1956 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vildfåglar | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Série noire | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il bidone | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tribute to a bad man | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Kvinnodröm | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Ladykillers | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Lady and the Tramp | 1955 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dansa min docka | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
Genevieve | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Maggie | 1953 | Distribution company | Feature |
The lusty men | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
Il cappotto | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
Singin' in the Rain | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
Androcles and the lion | 1952 | Distribution company | Feature |
The African Queen | 1951 | Distribution company | Feature |
Flicka och hyacinter | 1950 | Distribution company | Feature |
Till glädje | 1950 | Distribution company | Feature |
Tarzan and the slave girl | 1950 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bara en mor | 1949 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Third Man | 1949 | Distribution company | Feature |
In jenen Tagen | 1947 | Distribution company | Feature |
The fugitive | 1947 | Distribution company | Feature |
New Orleans | 1947 | Distribution company | Feature |
Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist | 1947 | Distribution company | Feature |
Thunder rock | 1946 | Distribution company | Feature |
Intermezzo: A love story | 1946 | Distribution company | Feature |
Le diable au corps | 1946 | Distribution company | Feature |
Theirs Is the Glory | 1946 | Distribution company | Documentary |
The Spiral Staircase | 1945 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Woman in the Window | 1944 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bataan | 1943 | Distribution company | Feature |
Syncopation | 1942 | Distribution company | Feature |
Major Barbara | 1941 | Distribution company | Feature |
Dumbo | 1941 | Distribution company | Feature |
Rebecca | 1940 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Flying Deuces | 1939 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame | 1939 | Distribution company | Feature |
Gunga Din | 1939 | Distribution company | Feature |
Pjotr Velikij II | 1938 | Distribution company | Feature |
La Marseillaise | 1938 | Distribution company | Feature |
Bringing Up Baby | 1938 | Distribution company | Feature |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | 1937 | Distribution company | Feature |
Riding on air | 1937 | Distribution company | Feature |
A damsel in distress | 1937 | Distribution company | Feature |
Du bist mein Glück | 1936 | Distribution company | Feature |
Der Kurier des Tsaren | 1936 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Informer | 1935 | Distribution company | Feature |
Becky Sharp | 1935 | Distribution company | Feature |
King Kong | 1933 | Distribution company | Feature |
Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse | 1933 | Distribution company | Feature |
Don Quichotte | 1933 | Distribution company | Feature |
Vampyr | 1932 | Distribution company | Feature |
The Floorwalker | 1916 | Distribution company | Short fiction |