Title | Year | Function | Category |
Hvad er der med hende | 2004 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Ghana i 4 dele. Fisk begynder med f | 1994 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Landmændenes egen fabrik - en fortælling om en dansk andelsvirksomhed | 1985 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Palads-teatret | 1983 | Production company | DK/Commercial |
En hverdag som andres | 1982 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ny dansk energi | 1982 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Rosa og Susanne fra Nuuk | 1982 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ny teknik - styrelse eller frigørelse | 1981 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Maleren Hans Smidth | 1981 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Besættelsestidens hverdag | 1981 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Denmark Ahoy | 1981 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Copenhagen Porcelain by Bing & Grøndahl | 1980 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Danish Solutions | 1980 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ørsteds vision 1829 | 1979 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med Danmarks regentpar i Kina | 1979 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mennesker i København | 1977 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Nul-energihuset | 1977 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vort værk | 1976 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fristen er 12 uger - orientering om abort | 1976 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Løsladt | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ku' jeg hjælpe Dem med noget? | 1973 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Man må da selv kunne lave den børnehave | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ø.K. i fem verdensdele | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Prævention - Metoder | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En-to-tre | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Det sker for enhver | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Havet ved Grønland | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kongens sidste færd | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Leve Dronning Margrethe | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
The First Circle | 1972 | Production company | DK/Feature |
At botanisere | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
100.000 stumper vikingeskibe | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Følelserne er de samme | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En skovsø | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Carl von Linnés blomst | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Træt i trafikken | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Emilie fra Sarqaq | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Egetræet | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En fuglefjer | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fårekyllingerne | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Gedehamsene | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Græshoppernes sang | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hekseægget | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hermafroditter | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Snogens bevægelser | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Frimærket | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Erik Bruhn - Artist of The Ballet | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Zurp Ahtamn | 1971 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Tjærehandleren | 1971 | Production company | DK/Feature |
En mand | 1971 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Swedish Fly Girls | 1971 | Production company | Feature |
Et døgn med Ilse | 1971 | Production company | DK/Feature |
King Lear | 1971 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Narko - en film om kærlighed | 1971 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Miss World | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hvem skal med hvem? | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sex en gros | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hjælp de ældre | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Forbi - fordi | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Smuglerne | 1970 | Production company | TV series |
Industrilandet Danmark i en verdenshusholdning | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Jeg vil bo i Danmark | 1970 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
Ang.: Lone | 1970 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Danske billeder | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Dyrehaven, den romantiske skov | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Oktoberdage | 1970 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Drej 000 | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ro-taget | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Øvelser på gulv | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skud på mål | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kys til højre og venstre | 1969 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Mordskab | 1969 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Kameldamen | 1969 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Aktion - Den antikommercielle ungdomsuge i København 1969 | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En cigarets tid - et portræt af Arthur Køpcke | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Nørrebro 1968 | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
We | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En film | 1969 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Højskolejournal 1969 | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Albert Dam - en dansk forfatter | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
På sporet af mosefolket | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hash | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kaffens fagre riger | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Nettet | 1969 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Notater om Nato | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Et ganske almindeligt eventyr | 1968 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Trommen | 1968 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Nær himlen, nær jorden | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ofelias blomster | 1968 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Sten og menneske | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Otto Gelsted i samtale med Sven Møller Kristensen | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tur i natten | 1968 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Asta Nielsen | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Det perfekte menneske | 1968 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Dr. Glas | 1968 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Glasmosaik | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Schhh!!! | 1968 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Hemmelig sommer | 1968 | Production company | TV series |
Prinsessen rejser | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hvor hurtigt er for hurtigt? | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hvad skal vi med aviser? | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sådan begyndte det | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
København | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fest i gaden | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mellem to kulturer | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Prinsesse Margrethes bryllup | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Pas på dit hjerte | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Havnen | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Interval | 1967 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Livredder | 1967 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Ulandsfrivillig | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Huse | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skrammellegepladsen | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Asta Nielsen | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Canadarejsen | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tronfølgerens forlovelse | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kylling på rejse | 1966 | Production company | DK/Commercial |
2-1 | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Signalet | 1966 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Kammerspil | 1966 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
God mad er altid på mode | 1966 | Production company | DK/Commercial |
På de syv have | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En ø i Andamanerhavet | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Verdens mindste artister | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med Tronfølgeren i Latin-Amerika | 1966 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
4 x 4 | 1965 | Production company | Anthology |
Sommerkrig | 1965 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
En dansk ambassade | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ide bliver til virkelighed | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Se frem til en tryg tid | 1965 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Prævention - en samtale mellem unge | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tampen brænder | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mr. Customer | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Himmelekspressen | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kongebryllup i Athen | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
To | 1964 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Vikingeskibene i Roskilde Fjord | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
PH lys | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Michel Simon | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En ny virkelighed | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Til husbehov | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Den syvende sans | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hurra for os - ! | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Et landbrug i tidehverv | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens nordiske filmjournal nr. 3 | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med Tronfølgeren i Østen | 1963 | Executive Producer | DK/Documentary |
En dag i søværnet | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
København - en by i forvandling | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Et par ord om Danmark | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
River Kwai ekspeditionen | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lige ud af køkkenvejen | 1962 | Production company | DK/Commercial |
Hest på sommerferie | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med kongeparret i Thailand | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Dirch går køkkenvejen | 1962 | Production company | DK/Commercial |
Mellem to verdener | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med Kongeparret i Thailand [forkortet udg.] | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Natoungdom mødes i Danmark | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med Danmarks kongepar i USA | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Eventyr på Mallorca | 1961 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Den hvide hingst | 1961 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Radioaktivt nedfald | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Dit navn er kvinde | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fisk fra Danmark | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bag de ens facader | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Usynlige grænser | 1960 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vejen til Sartano | 1960 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
De fem år [skoleudg.] | 1960 | Alteration | DK/Documentary |
Enden på legen | 1960 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Født dansk | 1960 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Honeymoon in Copenhagen | 1959 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Paw | 1959 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Luftangreb | 1959 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Et stykke på vej | 1959 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Træk vejret - en film om lungerne | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 8 | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vi som går mælkevejen | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 9 | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fregatten Jylland | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 6 | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 7 | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 10 | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Dit er livet | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Barnet du gav os | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 2 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 4 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 5 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vandet i jorden | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Grænsevagt i Gaza | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skolevejen | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 3 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hendes Majestæt Dronning Elizabeth II's besøg og hans Kgl. højhed Prins Philip's besøg i København maj 1957 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Danmarks konge | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sparegrisens filmrevy nr. 1 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Et hverdagseventyr | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Korntørring | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Svinefodring | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Dronning Margrethe II som ung | 1955 | Production company | Non-fiction footage |
De fem år | 1955 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sommerdage paa Graasten Slot | 1950 | Production company | Non-fiction footage |
Black, brown and beige: En film om tobak | Production company | DK/Documentary | |
Børnenes eget cirkus | Production company | Non-fiction footage |