
Norsk Film A/S

Title Year Function Category
Heftig og begeistret 2001 Production company Documentary
Tsatsiki, morsan och polisen 1999 Production company Feature
Bare skyer beveger stjernene 1998 Production company Feature
Insomnia 1997 Executive Producer Feature
Maya Stenansikt 1996 Production company
Kjærlighetens kjøtere 1995 Production company Feature
Pakten 1995 Production company Feature
Telegrafisten 1993 Production company Feature
Kaivo 1992 Production company Feature
Lakki 1992 Production company Feature
Krigerens hjerte 1992 Production company Feature
La double vie de Véronique 1991 Production company Feature
De nøgne træer 1991 Production company DK/Feature
Drengene fra Sankt Petri 1991 Production company DK/Feature
Smykketyven 1990 Production company Feature
Landstrykere 1990 Production company Feature
Karachi 1989 Production company Feature
Resan till Melonia 1989 Production company Feature
Veiviseren 1988 Production company Feature
Isslottet 1987 Production company Feature
Hip hip hurra! 1987 Production company Feature
Brennende blomster 1985 Production company Feature
Hustruer - 10 år etter 1985 Production company Feature
Ronja Rövardotter 1984 Production company Feature
Piratene 1983 Production company Feature
Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd 1982 Production company Feature
Forfølgelsen 1981 Production company Feature
Arven 1979 Production company Feature
Edvard Munch - et selvportrett 1978 Executive Producer Documentary
Den allvarsamma leken 1977 Production company Feature
Hustruer 1975 Production company Feature
Edvard Munch 1974 Executive Producer TV film
Kong Olav V – Norges konge 1973 Production company Documentary
Ansikter 1971 Executive Producer Documentary
One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich 1971 Production company Feature
Voldtekt 1971 Production company Feature
Ska' vi lege skjul? 1970 Production company DK/Feature
Exit 1970 Production company Feature
An-Magritt 1969 Production company Feature
Kristoball 1967 Production company Short fiction
Edvard Munch 1863-1944 1963 Executive Producer Documentary
Kontraster i en by 1963 Production company Documentary
Herren og hans tjenere 1959 Production company Feature
Glimt fra Edvard Munchs liv 1957 Executive Producer Documentary
Blodveien 1955 Production company Feature
Cirkus Fandango 1954 Executive Producer Feature
Oslo sentrum 1954 Production company Documentary
Sommerparadiset 1954 Production company
Akerselva - med filmkamera fra Puttmyrene til Nyland 1953 Production company Documentary
Nødlanding 1952 Production company Feature
Byen og gatene 1951 Production company Documentary
Ukjent mann 1951 Production company Feature
Kranes konditori 1951 Production company Feature
Gategutter 1949 Production company Feature
Vi er fri! 1945 Production company Documentary