
Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg

Title Year Function Category
Giraffe 2019 Co-production Feature
Rita og Krokodille 2 (oversigt) 2018 In collaboration with Series (fiction)
Rita og Krokodille: Blåbær 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Hulen 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Nat 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: På Langrend 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: I Biografen 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Stranden 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Fødselsdagsfesten 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: I Parken 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Badedyret 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Veninderne 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Duen 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Farmors Fødselsdag 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Køkkenhaven 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Slottet 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Forår 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Halloween 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: En regnvejrsdag 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Kroket 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Jul 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Rita og Krokodille: Nytårsaften 2018 In collaboration with DK/Short fiction
Aquarela 2018 Co-production DK/Documentary