
Saga Studio

Title Year Function Category
Hollywood vice squad 1986 Distribution company Feature
Beethoven's Nephew 1985 Distribution company Feature
Stryker 1983 Distribution company Feature
Schulmädchen Porno II - Mädchen, die's wissen wollen 1983 Distribution company Feature
Calibre 357 1983 Distribution company Feature
Creepshow 1982 Distribution company Feature
Hell Hole 1982 Distribution company Feature
They Call Me Bruce 1982 Distribution company Feature
Fake-out 1982 Distribution company Feature
Heartbreaker 1982 Distribution company Feature
The chosen 1981 Distribution company Feature
Caged fury 1981 Distribution company Feature
Butterfly 1981 Distribution company Feature
Maniac 1980 Distribution company Feature
Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff 1978 Distribution company Feature
Spøgelsestoget 1976 Production company DK/Feature
Mafiaen - det er osse mig 1974 Production company DK/Feature
Nøglehullet 1974 Production company DK/Feature
På'en igen Amalie 1973 Production company DK/Feature
Mig og mafiaen 1973 Production company DK/Feature
Min søsters børn når de er værst 1971 Production company DK/Feature
Hurra for de blå husarer 1970 Production company DK/Feature
Midt i en jazztid 1969 Production company DK/Feature
Ta' lidt solskin 1969 Production company DK/Feature
Helle for Lykke 1969 Production company DK/Feature
Jeg elsker blåt 1968 Production company DK/Feature
Min søsters børn vælter byen 1968 Production company DK/Feature
Fantasterne 1967 Production company DK/Feature
Smukke-Arne og Rosa 1967 Production company DK/Feature
Min søsters børn på bryllupsrejse 1967 Production company DK/Feature
Dyden går amok 1966 Production company DK/Feature
Min søsters børn 1966 Production company DK/Feature
Gys og gæve tanter 1966 Production company DK/Feature
Een pige og 39 sømænd 1965 Production company, Distribution company DK/Feature
Passer passer piger 1965 Production company DK/Feature
En ven i bolignøden 1965 Production company DK/Feature
Alt for kvinden 1964 Production company DK/Feature
5 mand og Rosa 1964 Production company DK/Feature
Peters landlov 1963 Production company DK/Feature
Støv for alle pengene 1963 Production company DK/Feature
Frøken Nitouche 1963 Production company DK/Feature
Han, hun, Dirch og Dario 1962 Production company DK/Feature
Det støver stadig 1962 Production company DK/Feature
Venus fra Vestø 1962 Production company DK/Feature
Journey to the Seventh Planet 1961 Production company Feature
Reptilicus 1961 Production company DK/Feature
Støv på hjernen 1961 Production company DK/Feature
Peters baby 1961 Production company DK/Feature
Baronessen fra benzintanken 1960 Production company DK/Feature
Kvindelist og kærlighed 1960 Production company DK/Feature
Onkel Bill fra New York 1959 Production company DK/Feature
Charles tante 1959 Production company DK/Feature
Erik Scavenius 1959 Production company DK/Documentary
Mariannes bryllup 1958 Production company DK/Feature
Lyssky transport 1958 Production company DK/Feature
Styrmand Karlsen 1958 Production company DK/Feature
Tre piger fra Jylland 1957 Production company DK/Feature
Mig og min familie 1957 Production company DK/Feature
Tag til marked i Fjordby 1957 Production company DK/Feature
Kristiane af Marstal 1956 Production company DK/Feature
Færgekroen 1956 Production company DK/Feature
Bruden fra Dragstrup 1955 Production company DK/Feature
Det var på Rundetårn 1955 Production company DK/Feature
Der kom en dag 1955 Production company DK/Feature
Rønne og Nexøs genopbygning 1954 Production company DK/Documentary
Hendes store aften 1954 Production company DK/Feature
Enlige mødre 1954 Production company DK/Documentary
I kongens klæ'r 1954 Production company DK/Feature
En borgerpligt 1953 Production company DK/Documentary
Kriminalsagen Tove Andersen 1953 Production company DK/Feature
Ved Kongelunden 1953 Production company DK/Feature
Den gamle mølle på Mols 1953 Production company DK/Feature
Rekrut 67 Petersen 1952 Production company DK/Feature
Unge piger forsvinder i København 1951 Production company DK/Feature
Lyntoget 1951 Production company DK/Feature
Fra den gamle købmandsgård 1951 Production company DK/Feature
Fireogtyve timer 1951 Production company DK/Feature
Historien om Hjortholm 1950 Production company DK/Feature
Op og ned langs kysten 1950 Production company DK/Feature
John og Irene 1949 Production company DK/Feature
Det hændte i København 1949 Production company DK/Feature
I de lyse Nætter 1948 Production company DK/Feature
Mens porten var lukket 1948 Production company DK/Feature
Et socialt storværk 1948 Executive Producer DK/Documentary
Sikken en Nat 1947 Production company DK/Feature
Soldaten og Jenny 1947 Production company DK/Feature
Oktober-Roser 1946 Production company DK/Feature
Op med lille Martha 1946 Production company DK/Feature
Hollands Børn 1946 Production company DK/Documentary
Thyborøn fri - Thyborøn-Fiskernes Sejlads til København 1946 Production company DK/Documentary
Difteri 1946 Production company DK/Documentary
Børn i Nød 1946 Production company DK/Documentary
Da Freden kom til Danmark 1945 Production company DK/Documentary
Bente gaar til Sygeplejen 1945 Production company DK/Documentary
En ny Dag gryer 1945 Production company DK/Feature
Frihedskæmpere besætter B&W 1945 Production company Non-fiction footage
Spurve under Taget 1944 Production company DK/Feature
Lev Livet let 1944 Production company DK/Feature
To som elsker hinanden 1944 Production company DK/Feature
Kriminalassistent Bloch 1943 Production company DK/Feature
Med Leo Hansen paa Østgrønland 1936 Production company DK/Documentary