Title | Year | Function | Category |
Herlev vor by | 2009 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Wrony | 1994 | Production company | Short fiction |
Gødning | 1987 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Dyrkning af ærter | 1985 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Focus på Herlev | 1984 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Markstyring | 1983 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kalvemavernes udvikling | 1983 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Slagtesvinets nærmiljø | 1983 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ammoniak til halm | 1982 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Smittebeskyttelse | 1981 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tørke uden grænser | 1980 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Klovpleje | 1980 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kælvning | 1980 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Pattegrisens nærmiljø | 1980 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Faring | 1979 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Smågrisens første leveuge | 1979 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kalk din jord | 1978 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Arbejde - Potential - Spændingsforskel | 1978 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Koens brunst | 1978 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Inseminering | 1978 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kunstig sædoverføring hos svin | 1978 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kastration af smågrise | 1977 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ploven - opfuring og afpløjning | 1977 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ploven - Indstilling og justering | 1977 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ploven - Opbygning og funktion | 1977 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Franck og Hertz' experiment | 1975 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lær at læse | 1974 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Danske lystbilleder | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kommunen der skiftede ansigt | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Folk i Nildalen | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kort fra Danmark | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Landsvale | 1973 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Go-kart | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Nødhjælp til selvhjælp | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
På sporet af en god uddannelse | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Saltholm | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hos os i Bangladesh | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hos os i Tanzania | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hos os i Jordan | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Smil mand! | 1972 | Executive Producer | DK/Feature |
How to Play Municipality? | 1972 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skyldig - ikke skyldig | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
De fremmede | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fiskekutter E. 164 | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vilde dyr i byen | 1971 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Animals in Winter | 1970 | Production company | Documentary |
Grævling | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lourdes | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ved bræens rand | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bison | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kidugalo - et spedalskhedshospital i Tanzania | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
§ 70 deres førerbevis er i fare | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lad dem leve | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Landsby i Nepal | 1970 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Flygtning i Danmark | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Med tog og skib til England | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Montecassino Epitaph | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Livet er en cirkus | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En hjemmefødsel | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vejen | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Rørdrum | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Pas på bilens sikkerhedsudstyr | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sabbat i Jerusalem | 1969 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Wilmersdorff | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
One Out of Many | 1968 | Production company | Documentary |
S-toget – vort tog | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kold mælk | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Farvel til dampen | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sådan ligger landet | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Abbé Pierres klunsere | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Cementkrucifikset | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Timelærer Nansen | 1968 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Nathalie Krebs - Saxbo stentøj | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Familien i fin form | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Broen til Biafra | 1968 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sol er oppe | 1967 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Øen | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Varme i landbruget | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Island | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Cellens fysiologi | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Børnevenskabsby Gladsaxe 1967 | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Køkkenet i centrum | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bakken | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
H.C. Andersen i Italien | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vi og vore venner | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Moskusoksen | 1967 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Gælden-fælden | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Olivia Holm-Møller | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Svend Wiig Hansen | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Water in Biology | 1966 | Alteration | Documentary |
Povl Christensen | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Marcel Rasmussen | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bygplantens vækst | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Giv os i dag | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ukrudtsbekæmpelse med kemiske midler | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Capri | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Der var engang to landsbyer | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Pandekager hver torsdag | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Seven Years of Courage | 1966 | Alteration | Documentary |
Frede Christoffersen | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sterup Hansen | 1966 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kaptajn Voms teater | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Stofskifteforsøg | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vagt ved havet | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Unesco | 1965 | Production company | Documentary |
Bedre mælk | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bainingerne | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kokos | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Billedleg | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fynsk Foraar | 1965 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hvad højen fortalte | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mussau | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bygplantens spiring | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mit navn er Istvan | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sommerheste | 1964 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Koen og kamelen | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Der kører et tog | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Palawan | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Stop for rødt | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Klaverteknik | 1963 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Drøvtygning | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Pløjning | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Hovedstaden | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Valg | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Borgmestervalg 1962 | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mælkebedømmelse | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Håndens akutte betændelser | 1962 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mejetærsker - Funktion og klargøring | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Marianne bli'r voksen | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sommerlandet | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Grotid i Glostrup | 1961 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ikke som os andre | 1960 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Malkning med maskine | 1960 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Marinus | 1960 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
På søfartsskole | 1960 | Alteration | DK/Documentary |
Civilforsvar | 1959 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Behændighedsøvelser for piger | 1959 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lydsvingninger | 1959 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bronzealderen | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Jernalderen | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vekselstrøm | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Malt | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Stenalderen | 1958 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ensilering | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Englen i sort | 1957 | Production company | DK/Feature |
Lørdag 11:57 | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Rart at være ren | 1957 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Beskæring af frugttræer | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Beskæring af frugtbuske | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Den rette hylde | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Landbohjemmet - Landhusmoderens arbejdsplads | 1956 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
På isflyvning til danske øer | 1955 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kostens 6 grundpiller | 1955 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Egenbeskyttelsen i Civilforsvaret | 1955 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mit livs eventyr | 1955 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Bedre æg | 1955 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Avisen | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skibet sejler | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kalkmalerier | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Et slot i et slot | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Landkommunen | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Slottefiskeriet ved Kronborg | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Inge bli'r voksen | 1954 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Spædbarnet | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lyset i natten | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kampen mod tuberkulosen | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
På lejrskole | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Undervandsbilleder fra danske farvande | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skyldig - ikke skyldig? | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Go'dag børn | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Rigtige arbejdsstillinger i huset | 1953 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ungdomsskolen i landkommunerne | 1952 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Skjorte NR-402 | 1952 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ad lange veje | 1952 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Stockholm | 1952 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Slum | 1952 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Plov og pløjning | 1951 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Tillitze | 1951 | Alteration | DK/Documentary |
Welcome to Denmark | 1951 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Den strømliniede gris | 1951 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
J.F. Willumsen | 1951 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Shakespeare og Kronborg | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vandkalven | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Køkkenet, Danmarks største arbejdsplads | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Guernica | 1950 | Production company | DK/Experimental |
Vand i spandevis | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Katastrofefondet - førstehjælpen på landevejene | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Fiskeri på Grønland | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Paris på to måder | 1950 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vi tager skoleidrætsmærket | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Første ruteflyver til Grønland | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Sjette verdensidrætsstævne for døvstumme 12.-16. aug. 1949 i København | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
En milliard træer | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Stands coloradobillen! | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ådselgraveren | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Kunstskatte fra Wien | 1949 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Livredning | 1948 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Glostrup-filmen | 1947 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Saa gik 1947 | 1947 | Executive Producer | Non-fiction footage |
Gladsaxe Filmen 1946 | 1946 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Elektronbevægelser i en Glødetråd | 1946 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Frihedens Sol over Danmark | 1945 | Production company | Non-fiction footage |
Frihedsrådets møde - Mindehøjtidelighed for bombningen af den franske skole | 1945 | Production company | Non-fiction footage |
Drømmen om i morgen | 1945 | Production company | DK/Short fiction |
Det radikale Venstre efter 1905 | 1945 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Røde Vejrmølle-Filmen | 1944 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
X-købing Kommunale Brandvæsen | 1944 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Lerkunst | 1944 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Paa Dykkerskole | 1944 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Gasværket | 1944 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Ud at være Tærne! | 1943 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Vore U-baade | 1943 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Mindeappel Forum og Nytaarsparade | 1941 | Executive Producer | Non-fiction footage |
Sojakagen under Besættelsen | 1940 | Production company | Non-fiction footage |
Ud med Toget og saa til Fods i Nordsjælland | 1940 | Production company | DK/Documentary |
Seksdagesløbet 1936 | 1936 | Production company | Non-fiction footage |
Ret og vrang | Production company | DK/Documentary | |
Løsdriftstalde | Production company | DK/Documentary | |
Det danske Dagblad | Production company | DK/Documentary | |
Nukumanu | Production company | DK/Documentary |