Film Archive

The Film Archive's extensive collection gives today's audiences a chance to experience world cinema spanning the very beginnings of film history to the latest digital releases.

The Film Archive safeguards Denmark's national film heritage, which reaches back to pioneer Peter Elfelt's first reels from 1897. Main tasks are to acquire, preserve and make available the vast collection of films in both digital and analogue format.

More than 40,000 titles make up the collection which is screened at the Cinematheque and lent to organisations and festivals in Denmark and abroad.

The bulk of the collection is located in large storage spaces in Glostrup on the outskirts of Copenhagen, while the oldest and most fragile reels are stored at minus 5 degrees celcius in a large underground nitrate archive near the city of Hillerød.


Film Archive
Danish Film Institute
Tel. +45 3374 3620

Marianne Jerris 
Tel. +45 3374 3621

Mikael Braae 
Film Archivist, Feature films
Tel. +45 3374 3629

Henrik Østergaard
Film Archivist, Documentary films
Tel. +45 3374 3420