En humoristisk animeret serie om Robert, der flytter fra Chicago til Woodcrest med hans to børnebørn for at leve behageligt og i sikkerhed, men det skal han ikke regne med...
DVD 1 indeholder episoderne: The Garden Party; The Trial of Robert Kelly; Guess Hoes Coming to Dinner; Grandads Fight; A Date With the Healt Inspector samt Special Features: Audio and Video Commentary; Behind the Scenes Featurette; Deleted Scenes: Rosa Parks and the Flying Chicken Leg, Granddads Daydream, Scare Nigga; Animatics; Printable Storyboards; Trailers: The Boondocks He TV, Surfs Up, Spider-Man 3.
DVD 2 indeholder episoderne: The Story of Gangstalicious; A Huey Freeman Christmas; The Real; Return of the King; The Itis.
DVD 3 indeholder episoderne: Lets Nab Oprah; Riley Wuz Here; Wingmen; The Block is Hot; The Passion of Revend Ruckus.