
Huckleberry Finn And His Friends

Jack B. Hively, USA, 1979

644 min.

Materialet består af 4 DVDer med serien Huckleberry Finn and His Friends. Serien foregår i St. Petersburg, en lille by ved floden Mississippi, hvor Tom Sawyer bor sammen med sin tante Polly og broderen Sid. Han burde være i skole, men benytter enhver lejlighed til at stikke af sammen med sin ven Huck Finn. Sammen oplever de gale eventyr ¿ en del sande og nogle i fantasien. Serien består af 26 afsnit med titlerne: 1. Welcome Neighbour, 2. Love in Bloom, 3. The engagement, 4. Mystery at Midnight, 5. The Pirates, 6. How nice to be missed, 7. Such a lovely Funeral, 8. Muff Potters trial, 9. Buried treasure, 10. Huck is a hero, 11. The Millionaires, 12. I want to be free, 13. Huck becomes the victim, 14. Huck gets away, 15. Huck finds Jim, 16. The rains come, 17. Smallpox, 18. Meet the grangerfords, 19. The thing about Feudin, 20. End of the Feud, 21. Meet the Duke and Dauphin, 22. Where art thou Romeo, 23. Jim disappears, 24. Huck Sawyer - Tom Finn, 25. The rescue, 26. The whole truth.
Basic information Fram koma:
Original title Huckleberry Finn And His Friends (1979)
Danish title Huckleberry Finn And His Friends
Leikstjórn Jack B. Hively
Land USA
Domestic distribution PAN Vision A/S
Danish rating Frarådes børn under 7 år
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Production company Madison Pacific Films Ltd.
Domestic distribution PAN Vision A/S


Instruktion Jack B. Hively

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