
A Dog Called Money

Seamus Murphy, Irland, 2019

94 min.U/DokumentarfilmPortrætfilm

Basic information Fram koma: Materials
Original title A Dog Called Money
Danish title A Dog Called Money
Leikstjórn Seamus Murphy
Land Irland, Storbritannien, USA
Danish rating Tilladt fra 15 år (ej vurderet af Medierådet)
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Production company Pulse Films


Instruktion Seamus Murphy

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Provider Source Author tíma
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Lund, Simon 2019-03-29
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Dam, Freja 2019-03-28
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