
Ballet ballade

Bent Barfod, Danmark, 1962

12 min.DK/EksperimentalfilmAnimation

Et ungt par danser op gennem historien i en blanding af real-, trick- og tegnefilm, fra det gamle Ægypten til rumalderen. Deres evne til at overleve og udholde alle situationer er gennemgående.
Basic information Fram koma: Materials
Original title Ballet ballade
Danish title Ballet ballade
International titles A Ballet Ballade
Efnisorð Verdenshistorie, Ballet, Dans, 1960-1969
Leikstjórn Bent Barfod
Screenplay Bent Barfod
Director of Photography Poul H. Hansen
Composer Niels Viggo Bentzon
Appearance Vivi Gelker, Jens Brenaa
Land Danmark
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral
Technical info 332 meter, 35 mm, 1,37:1 Academy, Sort-hvid, Tone
TV release 20.10.1963, DR
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Production company Bent Barfod Film
Domestic distribution Statens Filmcentral


Instruktion Bent Barfod


Manus Bent Barfod


Foto Poul H. Hansen
Fotograf Claus Loof
Fotograf Thomas Kragh
Fotograf Kai Prægel
Trickoptagelser Ronny Schoemmel


Musik Niels Viggo Bentzon


Koreografi Hans Brenaa


Animation Kjeld Simonsen
Animation Jannik Hastrup
Animation Bent Barfod

Andre credits

Sagkyndig Hans Brenaa


Medvirkende Vivi Gelker
Medvirkende Jens Brenaa

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Forfatter tíma
Program i farve
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