
Pigen uden Fædreland

Urban Gad, Tyskland, 1912


Sigøjnersken Zidra lokkes til at spionere for en større sum penge. Hun forelsker sig uheldigvis i den løjtnant, hun skal spionere imod og historien ender ulykkeligt.
Basic information Fram koma: Materials
Original title Das Mädchen ohne Vaterland
Danish title Pigen uden Fædreland
Leikstjórn Urban Gad
Screenplay Urban Gad
Director of Photography Guido Seeber
Appearance Asta Nielsen, Max Wogritsch, Paul Meffert, Fred Immler
Land Tyskland
Domestic distribution Kinografen
Technical info 1010 meter, 35 mm, 1,33:1, Sort-hvid, Stum
Danish theatrical release 23.12.1912
Cinemas Palads
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Production company Projektions A-G Union (PAGU) (Berlin), Deutsche Bioscop GmbH
Domestic distribution Kinografen


Instruktion Urban Gad


Manus Urban Gad


Foto Guido Seeber


Zidra Asta Nielsen
Sergej Ipanoff, løjtnant Max Wogritsch
General Czepow Paul Meffert
Medvirkende Fred Immler

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Forfatter tíma
Program - stumfilm & mikro
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