Original title | Mølle og brødfabrik |
Danish title | Mølle og brødfabrik |
International titles | Mill and bakery |
Efnisorð | Korn, Høstarbejde, Mølleindustri, Fabrikker, Produktion, Mel, Bagning, Brød, 1980-1989 |
Leikstjórn | Claus Bering |
Screenplay | Claus Bering |
Director of Photography | Claus Bering, Birger Bohm |
Editor | Claus Bering |
Sound | Claus Bering |
Land | Danmark |
Dialogue language | Dansk |
Domestic distribution | Statens Filmcentral |
Technical info | 284 meter, 16 mm, Farve, Tone |
Danish rating | Tilladt for alle |
Companies |
Production company | Claus Bering Naturfilm |
Producent | Statens Filmcentral |
Med støtte fra | Landscentralen for Undervisningsmidler |
Commissioned by | Undervisningsministeriet |
Domestic distribution | Statens Filmcentral |
Instruktion |
Instruktion | Claus Bering |
Manus |
Manus | Claus Bering |
Produktion |
Assistent | Birger Bohm |
Assistent | Mikkel Bo |
Foto |
Foto | Claus Bering |
Foto | Birger Bohm |
Klip |
Klip | Claus Bering |
Lyd |
Lyd | Claus Bering |
Speaker |
Speaker | Claus Bering |
Type | Source | Forfatter | tíma |
Program i farve |
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