
3000 Miles to Graceland

Demian Lichtenstein, USA, 2001

125 min.U/Spillefilm

Basic information Fram koma: Materials
Original title 3000 Miles to Graceland
Danish title 3000 Miles to Graceland
Leikstjórn Demian Lichtenstein
Screenplay Demian Lichtenstein, Richard Recco
Producer Demian Lichtenstein, Eric Manes, Elie Samaha, Richard Spero, Andrew Stevens
Director of Photography David Franco
Editor Michael J. Duthie, Miklos Wright
Composer George S. Clinton
Production designer Robert de Vico
Appearance Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner, Courtney Cox
Land USA
Domestic distribution Sandrew Metronome
Technical info 3420 meter, 35 mm, 1,85:1 - Widescreen, Deluxe, Dolby
Danish theatrical release 11.01.2002
Cinemas Odense, Århus, Aalborg, Palads, CinemaxX, Kinopalæet (Lyngby)
Find more Variety Feb 26, 2001, p 39
Danish rating Tilladt for børn fra 15 år
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Production company Warner Bros., Franchise Pictures, Lightstone Entertainment, Morgan Creek Productions
Domestic distribution Sandrew Metronome


Instruktion Demian Lichtenstein


Manus Demian Lichtenstein
Manus Richard Recco


Producer Demian Lichtenstein
Producer Eric Manes
Producer Elie Samaha
Producer Richard Spero
Producer Andrew Stevens


Foto David Franco


Klip Michael J. Duthie
Klip Miklos Wright


Musik George S. Clinton


Produktionsdesign Robert de Vico


Michael Zane Kurt Russell
Murphy Kevin Costner
Cybil Waingrow Courtney Cox

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Reviews and articles

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Type Source Forfatter tíma
Program - stumfilm & mikro
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