
Wolf Creek

Greg McLean, Australien, 2004

100 min.U/Spillefilm

Basic information Fram koma: Materials
Original title Wolf Creek
Danish title Wolf Creek
Leikstjórn Greg McLean
Screenplay Greg McLean
Director of Photography Will Gibson
Editor Jason Ballantine
Composer Francois Tétaz
Production designer Robert Webb
Appearance John Jarratt, Nathan Phillips, Cassandra Magrath
Land Australien
Domestic distribution Angel/Scanbox distribution
Technical info 2723 meter, 35 mm, Dolby digital stereo
Danish theatrical release 03.03.2006
Cinemas Palads, CinemaxX, Kinopalæet (Lyngby) samt 3 biografer i provinsen
Find more Variety Vol CCCXCVII, nr 12 (Feb 7, 2005); p 70
Danish rating Tilladt for børn fra 15 år
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Production company True Crime Channel
Domestic distribution Angel/Scanbox distribution


Instruktion Greg McLean


Manus Greg McLean


Produktion Greg McLean
Produktion David Lightfoot


Foto Will Gibson


Klip Jason Ballantine


Musik Francois Tétaz


Produktionsdesign Robert Webb


Mick Taylor John Jarratt
Ben Mitchell Nathan Phillips
Liz Hunter Cassandra Magrath

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Forfatter tíma
Anmeldelse BT henning hoeeg 2006-03-03
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende mads kastrup 2006-03-03
Anmeldelse Metroexpress frederik asschenfeldt vandrup 2006-03-03
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden kim skotte 2006-03-03
Anmeldelse Urban louise kidde sauntved 2006-03-03
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet niels lind larsen 2006-03-03
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten johannes h christensen 2006-03-03
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