Original title | The Squid and the Whale |
Danish title | The Squid and the Whale |
Leikstjórn | Noah Baumbach |
Screenplay | Noah Baumbach |
Director of Photography | Robert D. Yeoman |
Editor | Tim Streeto |
Composer | Dean Wareham, Britta Phillips |
Production designer | Anne Ross |
Appearance | Jeff Daniels, Laura Linney, Jesse Eisenberg |
Land | USA |
Domestic distribution | Angel/Scanbox distribution |
Technical info | 2240 meter, Duart color |
Danish theatrical release | 26.05.2006 |
Cinemas | Grand, Café Biografen (Odense), Metropol, Metropol (Århus) |
Find more | Variety Vol CCCXCVII, nr 11 (Jan 31, 2005); p 49, 50 |
Danish rating | Tilladt for alle |
Companies |
Production company | American Empirical |
Domestic distribution | Angel/Scanbox distribution |
Instruktion |
Instruktion | Noah Baumbach |
Manus |
Manus | Noah Baumbach |
Produktion |
Produktion | Wes Anderson |
Produktion | Peter Newman |
Produktion | Charlie Corwin |
Produktion | Clara Markowicz |
Foto |
Foto | Robert D. Yeoman |
Klip |
Klip | Tim Streeto |
Musik |
Musik | Dean Wareham |
Musik | Britta Phillips |
Produktionsdesign |
Produktionsdesign | Anne Ross |
Medvirkende |
Bernard | Jeff Daniels |
Joan | Laura Linney |
Walt | Jesse Eisenberg |
Type | Source | Forfatter | tíma |
Anmeldelse | BT | birgitte grue | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Berlingske Tidende | ann lind andersen | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Børsen | morten durr | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Ekstra Bladet | x | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Information | jonas varsted kirkegaard | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Politiken-Fonden | soeren vinterberg | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Kristeligt Dagblad | henrik uth jensen | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten | katrine sommer boysen | 2006-05-26 |
Anmeldelse | Weekendavisen | nikolaj m lassen | 2006-05-24 |
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