Original title | Tidlig indsats - stadig indsats |
Danish title | Tidlig indsats - stadig indsats |
Efnisorð | Børn, Børnepsykologi, Udviklingshæmmede, Handicappede, Danmark, 1990-1999 |
Leikstjórn | Werner Hedman |
Screenplay | Werner Hedman |
Director of Photography | Lars Winding, Leif Beckendorff, Michal Krejci |
Editor | No Steinø |
Sound | Camilla Sachs, Tine Silfvander |
Composer | Narciso Yepes |
Land | Danmark |
Domestic distribution | Statens Filmcentral |
Technical info | Farve, Tone |
Companies |
Production company | Statens Filmcentral, S.T.T. film og video |
Domestic distribution | Statens Filmcentral |
Instruktion |
Instruktion | Werner Hedman |
Manus |
Manus | Werner Hedman |
Foto |
Foto | Lars Winding |
Foto | Leif Beckendorff |
Foto | Michal Krejci |
Klip |
Klip | No Steinø |
Musik |
Musik | Narciso Yepes |
Lyd |
Lyd | Camilla Sachs |
Lyd | Tine Silfvander |
Type | Source | Forfatter | tíma |
Program i farve |
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