
Saving Mr. Banks

John Lee Hancock, Australien, 2013

126 min.U/Spillefilm

Forfatterinden P.L. Travers rejser fra London til Hollywood, da Walt Disney ønsker at købe rettighederne til at filmatisere hendes bog "Mary Poppins". Det bliver et konfliktfyldt møde med forbindelser tilbage til hendes vanskelige barndom.
Basic information Fram koma: Materials
Original title Saving Mr. Banks
Danish title Saving Mr. Banks
Leikstjórn John Lee Hancock
Screenplay Kelly Marcel, Sue Smith
Producer Ian Collie, Alison Owen, Philip Steuer
Director of Photography John Schwartzman
Editor Mark Livolsi
Composer Thomas Newman
Production designer Michael Corenblith
Appearance Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Annie Rose Buckley
Land Australien, USA, Storbritannien
Domestic distribution Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Denmark
Danish theatrical release 13.03.2014
Cinemas Dagmar, Palads, Albertslund Biograferne, Reprise Teatret, Ishøj Bio, Værløse Bio, BioCity (Tåstrup), Kastrup Bio, Birkerød Bio, Baltoppen Bio 1-2, Park Bio, Gentofte Kino, CinemaxX, Bio Viften (Rødovre), Kinopalæet (Lyngby), Falkoner, Vanløse Bio, Atlas Biograferne (Rødovre Centrum) samt 43 biografer i provinsen
Danish rating Frarådes børn under 7 år
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Production company Walt Disney Pictures
Domestic distribution Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, Denmark


Instruktion John Lee Hancock


Manus Kelly Marcel
Manus Sue Smith


Producer Ian Collie
Producer Alison Owen
Producer Philip Steuer


Foto John Schwartzman


Stills François Duhamel


Klip Mark Livolsi


Musik Thomas Newman


Produktionsdesign Michael Corenblith


P.L. Travers Emma Thompson
Walt Disney Tom Hanks
Ginty Annie Rose Buckley

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Reviews and articles

On the library you can find these articles and revies and other material about the film.
Type Source Forfatter tíma
Anmeldelse Weekendavisen Bo Green Jensen 2014-03-14
Anmeldelse BT Henning Hoeeg 2014-03-13
Anmeldelse Berlingske Tidende Jacob Wendt Jensen 2014-03-13
Anmeldelse Ekstra Bladet Henrik Queitsch 2014-03-13
Anmeldelse Information Christian Monggaard 2014-03-13
Anmeldelse Kristeligt Dagblad Palle Schantz Lauridsen 2014-03-13
Anmeldelse Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten Katrine Sommer Boysen 2014-03-13
Anmeldelse Politiken-Fonden Kim Skotte 2014-03-13
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