

Title Year Function Category
Zombieland 2009 Production company U/Spillefilm
The Art of Actoin - kampsport på film 2002 Production company
Heroes Mountain 2002 Production company
Desperado 1995 Production company U/Spillefilm
Nettet 1995 Production company U/Spillefilm
To Die For 1995 Production company U/Spillefilm
Forget Paris 1995 Production company U/Spillefilm
First knight - Ridderne om det runde bord 1995 Production company U/Spillefilm
Svaneprinsessen 1994 Production company U/Spillefilm
Poetic justice 1993 Production company U/Spillefilm
Geronimo - en amerikansk legende 1993 Production company U/Spillefilm
Robin Hood: Helte i underhylere 1993 Production company U/Spillefilm
En ny dag truer 1993 Production company U/Spillefilm
I en klasse for sig selv 1992 Production company U/Spillefilm
Boyz N the Hood 1991 Production company U/Spillefilm
Smil - vi er på 1990 Production company U/Spillefilm
Livet længe leve 1990 Production company U/Spillefilm
Ghostbusters II 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
De kaldte os helte 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
Karate Kid III 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
Rap i replikken 1988 Production company U/Spillefilm
Blind hævn 1988 Production company U/Spillefilm
Krigsdjævelen 1988 Production company U/Spillefilm
Hun så det ske 1987 Production company U/Spillefilm
Noget i klemme 1987 Production company U/Spillefilm
Hope and Glory 1987 Production company U/Spillefilm
Godt Nytår 1987 Production company U/Spillefilm
White Water Summer 1987 Production company U/Spillefilm
En kone for meget 1984 Production company U/Spillefilm
Farlig impuls 1984 Production company U/Spillefilm
Storm 1982 Production company U/Spillefilm
Heavy Metal 1981 Production company U/Spillefilm
I røg og hamp 1981 Production company U/Spillefilm
Røven af 4. division 1981 Production company U/Spillefilm
Elsk din nabo 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
To tosser bag tremmer 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Brugte biler 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De vilde pelsjægere 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gloria 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Konkurrencen 1980 Production company U/Spillefilm
Du milde Moses 1980 Production company U/Spillefilm
To er farligt 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
1941 - undskyld hvor ligger Hollywood? 1979 Production company U/Spillefilm
Det store røverkøb 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vinger i natten 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cactus Jack 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Han, hun og svigermor 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Et nyt kapitel 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Øjne 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
California Suite 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Døden på Nilen 1978 Production company U/Spillefilm
Mens vi taler om mord 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hårdkogt 1978 Production company U/Spillefilm
Husk mit navn 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Nærkontakt af tredje grad. Specialudgaven 1977 Production company U/Spillefilm
Drama i dybet 1977 Production company U/Spillefilm
At stjæle er en ærlig sag 1976 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Taxi Driver 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Middag med mord 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Robin Hood og Marian 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Forbrydelse betaler sig 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Jeg vil se blod 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Manden uden nerver 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Brølende kæmper 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den sidste kvinde 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vinden og løven 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Med de bare næver 1975 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Funny lady 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Manden der ville være konge 1975 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bid tænderne sammen 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Shampoo 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Ta' livet a' kællingen 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den hårde straf 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Buster og Billie 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
California split 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pjattet med Pete 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Odessa kartoteket 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pas på vi er rasende 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tabte horisonter 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Crazy Joe 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Husker du... 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Frygtens hus 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Oklahomas sorte guld 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hyrechaufføren 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tyrkisk konfekt 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rock and roll again 1973 Distribution company U/Dokumentarfilm
Stone Killer 1973 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Godspell 1973 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sort på hvidt 1972 Distribution company U/Dokumentarfilm
Fri som en sommerfugl 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gangsternes overmand 1972 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Leve friheden 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den unge eventyrer 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dirty little Billy 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hold spillet gående 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
x, y & zee 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Telefon til chefen 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pansernes beskidte job 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fat City 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Buck og prædikanten 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Skudsikkert kup 1971 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De vilde ryttere 1971 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kvæleren fra Rillington Place 1971 Production company U/Spillefilm
Kuppet 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Narkoforhandleren 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Retfærdighedens skygge 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Der er en pige i min suppe 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Macbeth 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Drenge bli'r mænd 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dynamit eller dollars 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Huset under træerne 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sidste forestilling 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lige før natten 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Privatdetektiven 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Anderson-klanen 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Blind terror 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den røde sol 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den skøre flugt 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Det sidste korstog 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sømmet i bund 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hvem var John Kane? 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Frygtens timer 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kvæleren fra Rillington Place 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Damen i bilen med briller og gevær 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cromwell 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
R.P.M 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Uglen og missekatten 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Trafik 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Waterloo 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
To tvivlsomme patrioter 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Undersøgelse af en borger hævet over enhver mistanke 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sheriffen i Tennessee 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Ægtemænd 1970 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kaktusblomsten 1969 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
MacKennas guld 1969 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De blodige hænder 1969 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Strandet i rummet 1969 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Slaget om Anzio 1968 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pigen og syvstjernen 1968 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Casino royale 1967 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gæt hvem der kommer til middag? 1967 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Med koldt blod 1967 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den djævelske jagt 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Generalernes nat 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Matt Helm og den forsinkede lyddæmper 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mand til alle tider 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Skynd dig langsomt, mand! 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den tabte kommando 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tre på en sofa 1966 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Alvarez Kelly 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De professionelle 1966 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den store Sioux massakre 1965 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cat Ballou 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fjolset 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fremmed ubåd Jages 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bunny Lake savnes 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Elvis i Det Vilde Vesten 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dø! Dø! Min elskede 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mickey one 1965 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Playboys i Acapulco 1964 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Verden uden sol 1964 Distribution company U/Dokumentarfilm
Mumiens forbandelse 1964 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
En gift kvinde 1964 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Første mand på Månen 1964 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dr. Strangelove - eller Hvordan jeg lærte at glemme mine bekymringer og elske bomben 1964 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Major Dundee 1964 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
8 1/2 1963 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gangstere til søs 1963 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vinkelværelset 1963 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bye-bye birdie! 1963 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Køb på klods 1963 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Engle er vi ikke 1962 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den mistænkte værtinde 1962 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sidste runde 1962 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Stemmen i mørket 1962 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
To mand red ud 1961 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vold på åben gade 1961 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sort solskin 1961 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pludselig sidste sommer 1960 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mands begær 1960 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den pukkelryggede fra Rom 1960 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dr. Jekylls to ansigter 1959 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Revolvermænd fra Laredo 1959 Production company U/Spillefilm
H-manden det flydende uhyre 1959 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The boy and the bridge 1959 Production company U/Spillefilm
Een gang til med følelse 1959 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Afgrundens hemmelighed 1959 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vor mand i Havana 1959 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den blodrøde kimono 1959 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Musen der brølede 1959 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cowboy 1958 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pal Joey 1957 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Uhyret fra verdensrummet 1957 Production company U/Spillefilm
En Cadillac af guld 1956 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eventyr i liniebus 1956 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Han kom fra Laramie 1955 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Min søster Eileen 1955 Production company U/Spillefilm
En fremmed i byen 1955 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Han kom fra Apache Wells 1955 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sidste akt 1955 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Måneraketten 1954 Distribution company U/Kort fiktion
Mytteriet på Caine 1954 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
It Should Happen to You 1954 Production company U/Spillefilm
Regn 1954 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Postrøverne fra sydstaterne 1953 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Herfra til evigheden 1953 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den sidste bro 1953 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Jeg er loven 1953 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Affæren i Trinidad 1952 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Født i går 1950 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De fredløses konge 1950 Production company U/Spillefilm
Lev stærkt - dø ung 1949 Production company U/Spillefilm
Helvedeshunden 1948 Production company U/Spillefilm
Kvinden fra Shanghai 1947 Production company U/Spillefilm
Pardon my past 1945 Production company U/Spillefilm
Der var engang en kålorm 1944 Production company U/Spillefilm
Kvinden der myrdede 1941 Production company U/Spillefilm
Mig og min Chauffør 1940 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kun engle har vinger 1939 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mr. Smith kommer til Washington 1939 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Afsporet 1939 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
To mennesker gør sig fri 1938 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gangster-hotel 1938 Production company U/Spillefilm
Du kan ikke tage det med dig 1938 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den frygtelige sandhed 1937 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tabte horisonter 1937 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den store Scene 1934 Production company, Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Samfundets fjende 1934 Distribution company U/Spillefilm