
Poulin A/S

Title Year Function Category
Babar 2000 Distribution company
Alice i eventyrland 2000 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lucky Luke 1 (Billy The Kid, Karavanen) 2000 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 2 (Pigtråd over prærien, Jesse James) 2000 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 3 (Dalton City, de sorte bjerge) 2000 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 4 (vejen til Oklahoma, slægtsfejden) 2000 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 5 (Den syngende tråd, spor over prærien) 2000 Distribution company
Spurven Villy 2000 Distribution company
Ridder Lancelot og dragen 1990 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lassie 1989 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 6 (Dalton brødrene i den kolde sne, Ma Dalton) 1985 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 7 (Diligencen, Dalton brødrene forbedrer sig) 1985 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 8 (I Boretårnets Skygge, Storfyrsten) 1985 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 9 (Den Hvide Kavaler, Dalton Brødrenes Skat) 1985 Distribution company
Lucky Luke 10 (på sporet af Dalton-brødrene, Billy the Kid får escorte) 1985 Distribution company
Vuk - Den lille ræveunge 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm