Title | Year | Function | Category |
1864 - brødre i krig | 2014 | Koproducent | DK/Spillefilm |
Monica Z | 2013 | Koproducent | U/Spillefilm |
Arn - riget ved vejens ende | 2008 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Mor Muh og Krage | 2008 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Mor Muh og kragens juleaften | 2008 | Production company | |
Mor Muh møder krage | 2008 | Production company | |
Labyrint | 2007 | Producent | Tv-serie |
Arn - tempelridderen | 2007 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Wallander: Fotografen | 2006 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Inden frosten | 2005 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Populærmusik fra Vittula | 2004 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Håkan Bråkan & Josef | 2004 | Production company | |
Med sikte på realism | 2004 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Karlsson på taget | 2002 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Så hvid som sne | 2001 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Nedtælling | 2001 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Troløs | 2000 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Pippi på de syv have | 1999 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Pippi Langstrømpe | 1997 | Producent | U/Spillefilm |
Adam & Eva | 1997 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Pippi på Nordpolen | 1997 | Production company | Tv-film |
Jagten på nyrestenen | 1996 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Min fynske barndom | 1994 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Englegård - næste sommer | 1994 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Slangebøssen | 1993 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Det bli'r i familien | 1993 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Lotte flytter hjemmefra | 1993 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Sort lucia | 1992 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Lotte fra Spetakelmagergade | 1992 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Agnes Cecilia | 1991 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Den store badedag | 1991 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Dagens Donna | 1990 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Håkon og sørøverne | 1990 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Black Jack | 1990 | Production company | |
BlackJack | 1990 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
1939 | 1989 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Cha cha cha | 1989 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Arilds tid | 1988 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ved vejen | 1988 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Pelle Erobreren | 1987 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Jim og piraterne | 1987 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Leif - en mand i knibe | 1987 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ærter og knurhår | 1986 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Alle vi børn i Bullerby | 1986 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Mere om os børn i Bulderby | 1986 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Falsk som vand | 1985 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
De flyvende djævle | 1985 | Production company | DK/Spillefilm |
Ronja Røverdatter | 1984 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
G - en gruppe med go | 1983 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
P & B | 1983 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Den umulige drøm | 1982 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Den enfoldige morder | 1981 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Rasmus på farten | 1981 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Skrald | 1981 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Manden der blev millionær | 1980 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Madicken på Junibakken | 1980 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Jeg er med barn | 1979 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Picassos eventyr | 1978 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Dobbelt forræderi | 1977 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Bang! | 1977 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Mandagene med Fanny | 1977 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Manden på taget | 1976 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Et lille land i skandinavien | 1975 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Ægget er skørt! | 1974 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Verdens bedste Karlsson | 1974 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Emil og grissebassen | 1973 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Nye løjer med Emil fra Lönneberg | 1972 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Nybyggerne | 1971 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Æblekrigen | 1971 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Udvandrerne | 1970 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
En drøm om frihed | 1969 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Passion | 1969 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ole dole doff | 1968 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ulvetimen | 1968 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Oprøret i Ådalen | 1968 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Skammen | 1968 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Stimulantia | 1967 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Masculin-Feminin | 1966 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Persona - Sonate for to | 1966 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Her har du dit liv | 1966 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Hvad med Balthazar? | 1966 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Giftsnogen | 1966 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Jomfrutro og dobbeltmoral | 1965 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Nordisk kvadrille | 1965 | Production company | Antologi |
Hul i broho'det | 1965 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Bil-professoren | 1965 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Syv glade enker | 1964 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
491 | 1964 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Er svenskerne sådan | 1964 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Kjolen | 1963 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Elskovsfeber | 1962 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Stilheden | 1962 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Raggartøsen | 1962 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Lys i mørket | 1962 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Som i et spejl | 1961 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Jomfrukilden | 1960 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Souvenirs from Sweden | 1960 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Djævelens øje | 1960 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Sverige | 1959 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Ansigtet | 1958 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ved vejs ende | 1957 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Det syvende segl | 1956 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Sommernattens smil | 1955 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Vildfugle | 1955 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
En lektion i kærlighed | 1954 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Hr. Arnes Penge | 1953 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Vinden og floden | 1953 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Kærlighed | 1952 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Då och nu | 1952 | Production company | U/Kort fiktion |
Sommeren med Monika | 1952 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Mens kvinder venter | 1952 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ett hörn i norr | 1951 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Indisk by | 1951 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Strandhugg | 1950 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Sådan noget sker ikke her | 1950 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
To mennesker | 1950 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Sommerleg | 1950 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Tørst | 1949 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Kärleken segrar | 1949 | Producent | U/Spillefilm |
Grønt guld | 1949 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Kun en mor | 1949 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Havnebyens fristelser | 1948 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Eva | 1948 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Den drömda dalen - Soria Moria | 1948 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
En kluven värld | 1948 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Uppbrott | 1948 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Människor i stad | 1947 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Moderhjertet | 1946 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Ballongen | 1946 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Bjørnejagten | 1945 | Producent | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Flyktingar finner en hamn | 1945 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
To Mennesker | 1945 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Forfulgt | 1944 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Rovmågen | 1944 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Gryning | 1944 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Sarvtid | 1944 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Ordet | 1943 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Vinden från väster | 1942 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
En sommarsaga | 1941 | Production company | U/Kort fiktion |
Fodbold - Sverige-Danmark 1937 | 1937 | Production company | Dokumentariske optagelser |
Kronprinseparrets bryllup 1935 | 1935 | Producent | DK/Dokumentarfilm |
Anderssonskans Kalle | 1934 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Andréeskeppets hemfärd | 1930 | Production company | Dokumentariske optagelser |
Spritsmuglerne | 1925 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Gösta Berlings Saga | 1924 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
De sidste Ørne | 1923 | Production company | U/Dokumentarfilm |
Johan | 1921 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Køresvenden | 1921 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |
Præsteenken | 1921 | Production company, Distribution company | U/Spillefilm |
Erotikon | 1920 | Production company | U/Spillefilm |