
Warner & Metronome

Title Year Function Category
Sekten 1997 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Befri Willy 3 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Batman & Robin 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vild med kærlighed 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vi er din far 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Nonnebørn 1997 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Money Talks 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den attende 1996 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Desperat valg 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bella min Bella 1996 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Mars Attacks! 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mother night 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Les misérables 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Copycat 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Familien Perez 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fair game 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Menneskedyret 1995 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Operation Cobra 1995 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Kapring i høj fart 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Don Juan Demarco 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Batman Forever 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Broerne i Madison County 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Shanghai triaden 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Befri Willy 2 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Land & freedom 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Something to Talk About 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Assassins - lejemordere 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Heat 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Seven 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tommelise 1994 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rødt fyrværkeri grønt fyrværkeri 1994 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Priest 1994 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Little Odessa 1994 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bullets over Broadway 1994 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
A Perfect World 1993 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Blade Runner – The Directors Cut 1992 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
V.I. Warshawski - detektiv på høje hæle 1991 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Skønheden og udyret 1991 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Drengene fra Sankt Petri 1991 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Freud flytter hjemmefra 1991 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Giselle 1991 Distribution company DK/Dokumentarfilm
De nøgne træer 1991 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Lad isbjørnene danse 1990 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Springflod 1990 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Farlig leg 1990 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Araknofobi 1990 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Drømme 1990 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Christian 1989 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Lykken er en underlig fisk 1989 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
300 mil til himlen 1989 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Skyggen af Emma 1988 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Rami og Julie 1988 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Baby Doll 1988 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Himmel og helvede 1988 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Guldregn 1988 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Jeg elsker dig 1987 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Negerkys og labre larver 1987 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Strit og Stumme 1987 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Peter von Scholten 1987 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Take It Easy 1986 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Et skud fra hjertet 1986 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Manden i Månen 1986 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Ballerup Boulevard 1986 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Barndommens gade 1986 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Valhalla 1986 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Elise 1985 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Hodja fra Pjort 1985 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
De flyvende djævle 1985 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Når engle elsker 1985 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Bag murene 1985 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Politiskolen 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Greystoke, beretningen om Tarzan, abernes konge 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Strømer på stregen 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gremlins 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den uendelige historie 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Busters verden 1984 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Bag jalousien 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tukuma 1984 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Angel 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hotel New Hampshire 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The Killing Fields 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
City Heat 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kvinderne fra Boston 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hold på formerne 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Flamingo Kid 1984 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Forårs-symfonien 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Gi' Rio skylden 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fars fede ferie 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Elevatoren 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dagen efter 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Zelig 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dirty Harry vender tilbage 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cement i armen 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Local Hero 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Star 80 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fræk Business 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Superman III 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Never say never again 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Der er et yndigt land 1983 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Isfugle 1983 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Otto er et næsehorn 1983 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
BMX banden 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den gyldne sæl 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Med døden på bagsædet 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Piger bag tremmer 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mænd af den rette støbning 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
La Traviata 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pengene eller livet 1982 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Mad mission - For fuld drøn 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den varme spion 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Feber i blodet 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hede og støv 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
King of Comedy 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
I morgen er det for sent 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Firefox 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bedste venner 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dødsfælden 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Verden ifølge Garp 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
First Blood 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Forellen 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hvide rose 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Årgang 1984 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Op med poterne makker 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
En midsommer-nats sex komedie 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bjergbestigeren 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Natholdet 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bolero 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kampen om ilden 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Diva 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Arthur - skidefuld og på rulleskøjter 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sharkys team 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Ulvetid 1981 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Slingrevalsen 1981 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Gummi Tarzan 1981 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper 1980 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Du lille hvid mand, jeg stor kriger 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eksorcisten II: Kætteren 1977 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Getaway – vild flugt 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Clockwork Orange 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm