

Title Year Function Category
Pot-au-feu: Vejen til hjertet 2024 Production company U/Spillefilm
Udenfor sæsonen 2024 Production company U/Spillefilm
Egetræets Hjerte 2023 Production company U/Dokumentarfilm
Mysteriet om Henri Pick 2020 Production company U/Spillefilm
Alt for kærligheden 2018 Producent U/Spillefilm
Vi ses deroppe 2018 Producent U/Spillefilm
Ballerina 2017 Producent U/Spillefilm
Den franske forbindelse 2014 Producent U/Spillefilm
Når dyrene drømmer 2014 Med støtte fra DK/Spillefilm
Paranoia 2013 Production company U/Spillefilm
Perfect Mothers 2013 Production company U/Spillefilm
Only God Forgives 2013 Koproducent DK/Spillefilm
Den ubudne gæst 2013 Production company U/Spillefilm
Kokken 2012 Production company U/Spillefilm
Twelve 2010 Production company U/Spillefilm
Julemandens lille hjælper 2010 Production company
The Broken 2008 Producent U/Spillefilm
The Trail 2006 Production company
Palais royal! 2005 Production company U/Spillefilm
Empire of the Wolves 2005 Production company U/Spillefilm
I'm with Lucy 2002 Production company U/Spillefilm
The Code 2002 Production company U/Spillefilm
Just Visiting 2001 Production company U/Spillefilm
Le placard - ud af skabet 2001 Production company U/Spillefilm
Me, Myself, I 2000 Production company
De blodrøde floder 2000 Production company U/Spillefilm
Jeanne d' Arc 1999 Production company U/Spillefilm
Hanuman - Abernes Tempel 1998 Production company U/Spillefilm
Le dîner de cons 1998 Producent U/Spillefilm
Det femte element 1997 Production company U/Spillefilm
Leon 1994 Production company U/Spillefilm
Gæsterne kommer 1993 Production company U/Spillefilm
Atlantis 1991 Production company U/Dokumentarfilm
Dames galantes 1990 Production company U/Spillefilm
Nikita 1990 Production company U/Spillefilm
Roselyne og løverne 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
Hvad er klokken? 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
Asterix - Operation Bautasten 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
Boris Godounov 1989 Production company U/Spillefilm
Subway 1985 Production company U/Spillefilm
Police 1985 Production company U/Spillefilm
En farlig forbindelse 1984 Production company U/Spillefilm
Swanns kærlighed 1984 Production company U/Spillefilm
Les Daltons en cavale 1983 Production company U/Spillefilm
Tillykke med kærligheden 1983 Production company U/Spillefilm
Og skibet sejler 1983 Production company U/Spillefilm
Den lille bande 1983 Production company U/Spillefilm
Månen i rendestenen 1983 Production company U/Spillefilm
Den sårede mand 1983 Producent U/Spillefilm
Den nye verden 1982 Production company U/Spillefilm
Parsifal 1982 Production company U/Spillefilm
Querelle 1982 Production company U/Spillefilm
Identifikation af en kvinde 1981 Production company U/Spillefilm
Den fortabte datters hjemkomst 1981 Production company U/Spillefilm
Loulou 1980 Production company U/Spillefilm
Den røde pull-over 1979 Production company U/Spillefilm
Don Giovanni 1979 Production company U/Spillefilm
Nosferatu - Vampyren 1978 Production company U/Spillefilm
Et spil om ære 1978 Producent U/Spillefilm
Knald, fald og revolution 1971 Production company U/Spillefilm
Dagens mand i skysovs 1970 Production company U/Spillefilm
En dødsdømt flygter 1956 Production company U/Spillefilm
To i Paris 1947 Production company U/Spillefilm
En kvinde forsvinder 1938 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
L' Atalante 1934 Production company U/Spillefilm
Jack Johnson den vilde Rytter 1912 Production company U/Spillefilm
Afgangstedet ved Wallon 1910 Production company U/Dokumentarfilm
[Paa Sporet] 1910 Production company U/Kort fiktion
Liberty Belle Production company U/Spillefilm