
Warner & Metronome

Title Year Function Category
Den eneste ene 1999 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Payback 1999 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Brevet i flasken 1999 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The Matrix 1999 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
True Crime 1999 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
"Familie" terapi 1999 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Wild Wild West 1999 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sort kat, hvid kat 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Det rige lig 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fallen 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hilary og Jackie 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Pleasantville - Pænhedens by 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Last night 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Forhandleren 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
My name is Joe 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Blade - the Daywalker 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Happiness 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
You've Got Mail 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rush Hour 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
American History X 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Practical magic 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kuglen 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Det tyrkiske bad 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Forbudt for børn 1998 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
U.S. Marshals 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sliding Doors 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The Wedding Singer 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lost in space 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
City of Angels 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dødbringende våben 4 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The avengers - hævnere i kjole og hvidt 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Albert 1998 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
A Perfect Murder - et perfekt mord 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Det magiske sværd - Jagten på Camelot 1998 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Harry - stykke for stykke 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hana-bi - Blomster og ild 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Midnat i det gode og ondes have 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Money Talks 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Boogie Nights 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kødet skælver 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Når halen logrer med hunden 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Afterglow 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Ørnens øje 1997 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Øen i Fuglegaden 1997 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Absolute Power 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Batman & Robin 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sekten 1997 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Befri Willy 3 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Contact 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
L.A. Confidential – De faldne engles by 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Farlige teorier 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Nonnebørn 1997 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Vi er din far 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mord i det hvide hus 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Vild med kærlighed 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Djævelens advokat 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The postman 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Career Girls 1997 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Alle siger I love you 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bjergenes fange 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fransk rapsodi 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den diskrete helt 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Carla's Song 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
In Love and War 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lost Highway 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Michael ...en engel, ikke en helgen! 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The van 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eraser 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Trainspotting 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Jerusalem 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The Glimmer Man 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Michael Collins 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tin Cup 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Last Man Standing 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Space Jam 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
At overleve Picasso 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The Long Kiss Goodnight 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hemmeligheder & løgne 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
A Time to Kill 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Krystalbarnet 1996 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
De største helte 1996 Distribution company DK/Spillefilm
Kansas City 1996 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rickshaw 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Stjernemageren 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mortal Kombat 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hadet 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Mig og Afrodite 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The Sunset boys 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Persuasion 1995 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Åndernes hus 1993 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Historien om Qiu Ju 1992 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Impulse 1990 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Halløj i rutchebanen 1990 Distribution company U/Kort fiktion
Joe og vulkanen 1990 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Enmandspatruljen 1989 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Blaze 1989 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Batman 1989 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Beetlejuice 1988 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hvem snørede Roger Rabbit? 1988 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Personal Services 1987 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den beskidte bande 1987 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lost Boys 1987 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Tre mand og en baby 1987 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
En vild nat i byen 1987 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Who's That Girl 1987 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
The American way 1986 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Under the cherry moon 1986 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Wildcats 1986 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Elitesoldaten 1986 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Politiskolen 3 - Tilbage på anstalten 1986 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cobra - lovens stærke arm 1986 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Politiskolen 2 - Deres første opgave 1985 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eleni 1985 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Læge i løbetid 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
På grænsen til det ukendte 1983 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Blade Runner 1982 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Storbyens prins 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Endless Love 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Excalibur - Kongernes sværd 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Høj puls 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Når bare enden er go' 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rumstation Jupiter 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
This Is Elvis 1981 Distribution company U/Dokumentarfilm
Professionel dræber 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hemmelig forbindelse 1981 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rumpiraterne 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
USS Nimitz ... forsvundet i Stillehavet 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Dødens bagmænd 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bronco Billy 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cairo mysteriet 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fredag den 13. 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Guddommelig skør 1980 Distribution company U/Dokumentarfilm
Kom ned på jorden, Simon 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
McVicar farlig og på fri fod 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Menneskejagt i New York 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
On the road again 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Rekrut Benjamin 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Seje bøffer og hårde bananer 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Ondskabens hotel 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Klædt på til mord 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eksperimentet 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Hvad vil du ha'? 1980 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Skyd ikke på tandlægen 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Kapløb med tiden 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Det Første Kys 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Stol på mig 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
"10" 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Elvis 1979 Distribution company Tv-film
Lige i øjet 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Luk øjnene og skyd 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Poseidons hemmelighed 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Guld og gamle drenge 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
En helvedes karl 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
I want to hold your hand 1979 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Maria Brauns ægteskab 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Livet er skønt, Stony 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bankekød til slemme drenge 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Agatha Christie mysteriet 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Drengene fra Brasilien 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Maskernes nat 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Den sidste hilsen 1978 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Brændemærket 1977 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Bobby Deerfield 1977 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eksorcisten II: Kætteren 1977 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
21 Timer i München 1977 Distribution company Tv-film
Ramt i hjertet 1977 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Cassandra broen 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Øje for øje 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
S/S St. Louis 1976 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Sejren i Entebbe 1976 Distribution company Tv-film
Barry Lyndon 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Master gunfighter 1975 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Druknepølen 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Det tårnhøje helvede 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De fire musketerer 1974 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Eksorcisten 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Fugleskræmslet 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De tre musketerer 1973 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Manden, der ikke kunne dø 1972 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
Lykken er en varm præst 1971 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
De grønne djævle 1968 Distribution company U/Spillefilm
En stjerne fødes 1954 Distribution company U/Spillefilm