Practical information

Photo: Jørgen True
How to access and use the Library & Videotheque at the Danish Film Institute.

Wheelchair access

The Library & Videotheque has level-free access for wheelchair users through the entrance at Landemærket 26. Here you will also find a disabled parking place. You can use this entrance within the staffed hours of the Library. Inside, by the restaurant SULT, you will find the elevator to the first floor, where you may access the Library. Press the doorbell to open the door.

Outside staffed hours, please contact the Cinematheque's reception.


Outside staffed opening hours, users can access the Library with a valid Danish Health Insurance Card and a pin code. Pre-registration with the Library is required.

Upon entry to the Library, a photo of the user is taken, which the Library can use for identification purposes. The information will automatically be deleted after 30 days.

Leaving the Library with materials that have not been checked out is not permitted under any circumstances.


You can register with the Library in one of the following ways:

  • By presenting a valid Danish Health Insurance Card during the Library’s staffed opening hours.
  • By registering on the Library’s website. This allows you to reserve materials and access the Library during unmanned opening hours. To borrow materials, however, you are still required to show up and present your valid Danish Health Insurance Card during staffed opening hours.
  • Upon registration, the user’s CPR number, name, address, telephone number, email address and pin code are entered.


Deregistering can be done in person at the Library during staffed opening hours. Deregistration is only effective once all outstanding fees have been paid.

Borrowing materials

Anyone over the age of 16 who is a permanent resident in Denmark is entitled to borrow books free of charge at the Library.
The Danish Health Insurance Card is used as a library card.

Loss of a Health Insurance Card must be reported to the Library as soon as possible. The borrower is responsible for any loans made during the period before the lost card is reported.

Borrowers residing outside Copenhagen can have books delivered to their local public library branch or research library, for instance by making a reservation at

Persons who are temporary residents in Denmark are entitled to borrow items if a Danish resident acts as a guarantor for the loan. A guarantee agreement is signed in person at the Library, where a copy of the guarantor’s Danish Health Insurance Card must also be submitted. The guarantor is personally liable for any loans made this way. Any change of address by the guarantor must be reported to the Library. Annual renewal of the guarantee agreement may be required.

Change of address

Any change of address must be reported to the Library. This also applies to a change of email address. The borrower is liable for any late fees regarding loans for which a pre-overdue notice was sent to an incorrect postal address or email address.


Books and duplicates of journals and magazines may be borrowed. Reference books, rare books, certain illustrated books, clippings, unpublished manuscripts and items in special collections cannot be borrowed but can only be accessed at the Library during staffed opening hours.

Loan period

Materials are loaned for a period of one month.

As an extra service, the Library sends out an email notice when a loan is about to expire. These pre-overdue notices are sent to users who have provided an email address. Failure to receive such a notice does not exempt the borrower from keeping an eye on the due date, which is stated on the checkout receipt and on the borrower’s status page in Reindex.


Borrowed materials can be renewed online, by phone or in person before the expiration of the loan period, unless the materials have been reserved by other users. A title can be renewed a maximum of five times.


A person who is registered as the borrower of an item from the Library’s collections is liable for the borrowed item and is responsible for returning it in time. Items must be returned no later than the due date, within the Library’s opening hours. If the user chooses to return items at departments of the Film Institute other than the Library, the user does so at his or her own risk.

Upon request, a return receipt is provided as documentation for the return. 


Late fees for overdue items: 

1-6 days: DKK 5 per item 
after 7 days: DKK 10 per item
after 17 days: DKK 25 per item
after 30 days: DKK 50 per item
+ an invoice charge of DKK 150
+ replacement of the item

Fees cannot be paid online.


Users are blocked from borrowing items if they have outstanding fees or fail to return items by the due date. The suspension is lifted when all outstanding fees have been paid and all overdue items have been returned.


If borrowed materials are not returned or are returned in damaged condition (including personal notations, underlining, etc.), the borrower must reimburse the Library’s costs for replacing or repairing the item.
If reimbursement is not made, the case is handed over to a debt collector.

Replaced items are the property of the Library.

Information about replacement cases may be stored for a maximum of five years.

Personal information

The Library’s handling of personal information meets all applicable security requirements in compliance with personal data laws. As a starting point, personal information is not shared with third parties. If the user has trouble accessing the Library, the Library reserves the right to share information about the user with the Library’s provider for the sole use of solving the problem.

Banning procedure

Failure to comply with the Library’s rules and regulations may result in a user being temporarily or permanently banned from using the Library. A user can also be banned for repeated failure to return borrowed items or for returning items in damaged condition.

Users are banned with seven days written notice.
Offensive behaviour towards the Library’s staff or other users will result in immediate removal and a ban.

Library & Videotheque

Gothersgade 55, 1st floor 
1123 Copenhagen K
Tel. +45 3374 3400

Opening hours
Monday-Friday: 09:00-21:00
Saturday: 10:45-21.00
Sunday: 10:45-19:00

Staffed hours
Tuesday: 10:00-17:00
Wednesday-Thursday: 12:00-17:00
Friday: 12:00-16:00

Use your Health Insurance Card and pincode to access the Library and the Videotheque outside staffed hours.