Opslagstavlen Call is open for 'Bridging Generations' 17. okt 2024. Bridging Generations aims to foster cross-generational storytelling by encouraging young and older experienced writers to co-create TV series and explore adapting these series into formats like games… Filling the Gap: A course for Nordic Producers 06. aug 2024. Do you wish to develop competences in Situational Leadership, Conflict Management, International Co-production, Social Sustainability within a networking community? Call for projects for the Young Horizons Industry 04. apr 2024. The call for projects for the Young Horizons Industry forum is open until 19 April. We are waiting for submissions of full-length films and series projects for young audiences, at various stages of… Call: EMERGING PRODUCERS 2025 11. mar 2024. Hvert år udvælger Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 18 talentfulde europæiske dokumentarproducenter, som får støtte til uddannelse, netværk og markedsføring. Frem til 31. marts 2024… DAPP åbner for ansøgninger til kommunikationsfond 09. jan 2024. Dansk-Arabisk Partnerskabsprograms (DAPP) kommunikationsfond er finansieret af Udenrigsministeriet og tildeler midler til projekter, der gennem forskellige former for kommunikation fortæller om… Berlinale co-production market 20. sep 2023 | BERLINALE. Call for Projects: Time to Submit Film and Series Projects for the Berlinale Co-Production Market Workshop: Digital Production Essentials 15. jun 2023 | WORKSHOP. The Erich Pommer Institut invites the workshop on Digital Production Essentials from July 29th to 1st in Berlin. Childcare and family-friendly services for Cannes attendees 21. apr 2023 | CANNES. Le Ballon Rouge is offering childcare and family-friendly services for market & festival attendees! Call for applications: International Financing Forum 2023 at TIFF 21. apr 2023 | ONTARIO CREATES. Applications for The International Financing Forum at the Toronto International Filmfestival is now open. Søg DAPPs nye kommunikationsfond inden 5. april 20. mar 2023. Dansk-Arabisk Partnerskabsprogram (DAPP) har netop lanceret en ny kommunikationsfond finansieret af Udenrigsministeriet. Fonden giver organisationer, virksomheder og privatpersoner mulighed for at… VAF call for submissions 02. dec 2022. Submissions for the next Viborg Animation Festival (VAF) are now open. Deadlines: Earlybird (January 15, 2023) - Regular (March 21, 2023) - Late (April 10, 2023). ACE animation special - extended call for applications 02. dec 2022. Extended call for applications for the fourth ACE Animation Special. The workshop will be held between 21 and 26 March 2023. The extended application deadline is 5 December 2022. Vil du i Nordisk Panoramas bestyrelse? 30. nov 2022. Nordisk Panorama søger nyt dansk medlem til bestyrelsen, der udgøres af én branchevalgt repræsentant fra hvert Nordisk medlemsland: Danmark, Sverige, Norge, Finland og Island. 3D Character Animation course 04. nov 2022. Learn how to animate in Autodesk Maya through a series of lectures, assignments, and mini-productions of increasing complexity in the field of 3D character animation, from concept to polish. Join… Nyt residency-program for unge producere 03. nov 2022. Den Danske Filmskole arrangerer i samarbejde med bl.a. Filminstituttet et residency-forløb for næste generation af unge producere, der ønsker at udfordre deres faglighed, globale udsyn og skabe… Extended call – LIFE PERFECT 26. sep 2022. Extended open call for applying with a video for the 60Seconds Festival with this years theme LIFE PERFECT. The deadline is set for October 10 2022. CEE Animation Workshop 2023: Call for submissions 26. sep 2022. Submissions are open for the fifth edition of the CEE Animation Workshop, a year-long training programme for developing projects and enhancing skills. The deadline has been extended until 28 October… Berlinale Co-Production Market 2023 02. sep 2022 | CO-PRODUCTION. For the 20th Berlinale Co-Production Market (February 18–22, 2023), experienced producers from all over the world can submit new feature-length film projects in need of co-producers and financiers… European Writers Club: call for writers 29. jun 2022. The newly founded European Writers Club is inviting and paying 10 European experienced writers to join a network of writers, broadcasters and producers, working together in this new creative… MIA call for submissions 29. jun 2022. Submissions for the next edition of the Film Co-Production Market & Pitching Forum (October 11-15th, 2022) are now open. The deadline is set for July 4th, 2022. Flere opslag Indsend dit opslag Gå til formular